Artiklar med krav på offentlig åtkomst - Asher KoriatLäs mer
Inte tillgänglig någonstans: 1
Confidence judgments: The monitoring of object-level and same-level performance
A Koriat
Metacognition and Learning 14 (3), 463-478, 2019
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Tillgängliga någonstans: 5
When reality is out of focus: Can people tell whether their beliefs and judgments are correct or wrong?
A Koriat
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 147 (5), 613, 2018
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Views that are shared with others are expressed with greater confidence and greater fluency independent of any social influence
A Koriat, S Adiv, N Schwarz
Personality and Social Psychology Review 20 (2), 176-193, 2016
Krav: US National Science Foundation
The prototypical majority effect under social influence
A Koriat, S Adiv-Mashinsky, M Undorf, N Schwarz
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (5), 670-683, 2018
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Can people identify “deceptive” or “misleading” items that tend to produce mostly wrong answers?
A Koriat
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (5), 1066-1077, 2017
Krav: US National Science Foundation
Subjective confidence in the response to personality questions: Some insight into the construction of people’s responses to test items
A Koriat, M Undorf, E Newman, N Schwarz
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1250, 2020
Krav: US National Science Foundation
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