Mirjana Majdandzic
Mirjana Majdandzic
Associate professor, Research Institute of Child Development and Education, University of Amsterdam
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Associations between maternal and paternal parenting behaviors, anxiety and its precursors in early childhood: A meta-analysis
EL Möller, M Nikolić, M Majdandžić, SM Bögels
Clinical psychology review 45, 17-33, 2016
Parental anxiety, parenting behavior, and infant anxiety: Differential associations for fathers and mothers
EL Möller, M Majdandžić, SM Bögels
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 2626-2637, 2015
Fathers’ challenging parenting behavior prevents social anxiety development in their 4-year-old children: A longitudinal observational study
M Majdandžić, EL Möller, W de Vente, SM Bögels, DC van den Boom
Journal of abnormal child psychology 42, 301-310, 2014
Multimethod longitudinal assessment of temperament in early childhood
M Majdandžić, DC Van Den Boom
Journal of personality 75 (1), 121-168, 2007
Parenting and social anxiety: Fathers’ versus mothers’ influence on their children’s anxiety in ambiguous social situations
S Bögels, J Stevens, M Majdandžić
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 52 (5), 599-606, 2011
The interplay between expressed parental anxiety and infant behavioural inhibition predicts infant avoidance in a social referencing paradigm
E Aktar, M Majdandžić, W de Vente, SM Bögels
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 54 (2), 144-156, 2013
The evolutionary basis of sex differences in parenting and its relationship with child anxiety in Western societies
EL Möller, M Majdandžić, W de Vente, SM Bögels
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 4 (2), 88-117, 2013
Bidirectional associations between coparenting relations and family member anxiety: A review and conceptual model
M Majdandžić, W de Vente, ME Feinberg, E Aktar, SM Bögels
Clinical child and family psychology review 15, 28-42, 2012
Fathers’ and mothers’ early mind-mindedness predicts social competence and behavior problems in childhood
C Colonnesi, MAJ Zeegers, M Majdandžić, FJA van Steensel, SM Bögels
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 47, 1421-1435, 2019
Challenging parenting behavior from infancy to toddlerhood: Etiology, measurement, and differences between fathers and mothers
M Majdandžić, W de Vente, SM Bögels
Infancy 21 (4), 423-452, 2016
Mothers’ and fathers’ mind‐mindedness influences physiological emotion regulation of infants across the first year of life
MAJ Zeegers, W de Vente, M Nikolić, M Majdandžić, SM Bögels, ...
Developmental Science 21 (6), e12689, 2018
Parental social anxiety disorder prospectively predicts toddlers' fear/avoidance in a social referencing paradigm
E Aktar, M Majdandžić, W De Vente, SM Bögels
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55 (1), 77-87, 2014
The relationship between challenging parenting behaviour and childhood anxiety disorders
RS Lazarus, HF Dodd, M Majdandžić, W De Vente, T Morris, Y Byrow, ...
Journal of affective disorders 190, 784-791, 2016
How do parents' depression and anxiety, and infants' negative temperament relate to parent–infant face-to-face interactions?
E Aktar, C Colonnesi, W de Vente, M Majdandžić, SM Bögels
Development and Psychopathology 29 (3), 697-710, 2017
Fathers' challenging parenting behavior predicts less subsequent anxiety symptoms in early childhood
M Majdandžić, W de Vente, C Colonnesi, SM Bögels
Behaviour research and therapy 109, 18-28, 2018
Dimensional assessment of anxiety disorders in parents and children for DSM‐5
EL Möller, M Majdandžić, MG Craske, SM Bögels
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 23 (3), 331-344, 2014
What coy smiles say about positive shyness in early infancy
C Colonnesi, SM Bögels, W de Vente, M Majdandžić
Infancy 18 (2), 202-220, 2013
Fathers' versus mothers' social referencing signals in relation to infant anxiety and avoidance: a visual cliff experiment
EL Möller, M Majdandžić, SM Bögels
Developmental science 17 (6), 1012-1028, 2014
Temperament traits and psychopathology in young clinically referred children compared to a general population sample
FY Scheper, M Majdandžić, PM van de Ven, LMC Jansen, ...
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 48, 841-850, 2017
Concurrent and predictive associations between infants’ and toddlers’ fearful temperament, coparenting, and parental anxiety disorders
M Metz, M Majdandžić, S Bögels
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 47 (4), 569-580, 2018
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