Technological discontinuities and organizational environments ML Tushman, P Anderson Administrative science quarterly, 439-465, 1986 | 10356* | 1986 |
Technological discontinuities and dominant designs: A cyclical model of technological change P Anderson, ML Tushman Administrative science quarterly, 604-633, 1990 | 5514* | 1990 |
Perspective: Complexity theory and organization science P Anderson Organization science 10 (3), 216-232, 1999 | 3895 | 1999 |
Managing professional intellect: making the most of the best JB Quinn, P Anderson, S Finkelstein The strategic Management of Intellectual capital 87100, 1998 | 2197* | 1998 |
A structural approach to assessing innovation: Construct development of innovation locus, type, and characteristics H Gatignon, ML Tushman, W Smith, P Anderson Management science 48 (9), 1103-1122, 2002 | 1584 | 2002 |
Leveraging intellect JB Quinn, P Anderson, S Finkelstein Academy of Management Perspectives 10 (3), 7-27, 1996 | 836 | 1996 |
Forming and exploiting opportunities: The implications of discovery and creation processes for entrepreneurial and organizational research SA Alvarez, JB Barney, P Anderson Organization science 24 (1), 301-317, 2013 | 817 | 2013 |
Managing strategic innovation and change: A collection of readings M Tushman, P Anderson Oxford University Press, USA, 2004 | 731 | 2004 |
Organizational environments and industry exit: The effects of uncertainty, munificence and complexity P Anderson, ML Tushman Industrial and Corporate Change 10 (3), 675-711, 2001 | 433 | 2001 |
Managing through cycles of technological change P Anderson, ML Tushman Research-Technology Management 34 (3), 26-31, 1991 | 409 | 1991 |
Generational technological change: Effects of innovation and local rivalry on performance MW Lawless, PC Anderson Academy of Management Journal 39 (5), 1185-1217, 1996 | 397 | 1996 |
Introduction to the special issue: Applications of complexity theory to organization science P Anderson, A Meyer, K Eisenhardt, K Carley, A Pettigrew Organization Science 10 (3), 233-236, 1999 | 336 | 1999 |
Bitcoin and the rise of decentralized autonomous organizations YY Hsieh, JP Vergne, P Anderson, K Lakhani, M Reitzig Journal of Organization Design 7 (1), 1-16, 2018 | 264 | 2018 |
The new e-commerce intermediaries P Anderson, E Anderson MIT Sloan Management Review 43 (4), 53, 2002 | 207 | 2002 |
Industry and population-level learning: Organizational, interorganizational, and collective learning processes AS Miner, P Anderson ADVANCES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, VOL 16-1999 16, 1-30, 1999 | 111 | 1999 |
Microcomputer manufacturers P Anderson Organizations in Industry: Strategy, Structure and Selection, 37-58, 1995 | 73 | 1995 |
From corporate strategy to business‐level advantage: Relatedness as resource congruence RA D'Aveni, DJ Ravenscraft, P Anderson Managerial and Decision Economics 25 (6‐7), 365-381, 2004 | 58 | 2004 |
Seven levers for guiding the evolving enterprise P Anderson The biology of business, 113-152, 1999 | 47 | 1999 |
Venture capital dynamics and the creation of variation through entrepreneurship P Anderson Variations in organization science: In honor of Donald T. Campbell, 137-153, 1999 | 38 | 1999 |
Collective interpretation and collective action in population-level learning: Technology choice in the American cement industry P Anderson Advances in Strategic Management 16, 277-307, 1999 | 33 | 1999 |