Gabriel Kuperminc
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A multivariate model of gender differences in adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problems.
BJ Leadbeater, GP Kuperminc, SJ Blatt, C Hertzog
Developmental psychology 35 (5), 1268, 1999
Attachment and adolescent psychosocial functioning
JP Allen, C Moore, G Kuperminc, K Bell
Child development 69 (5), 1406-1419, 1998
School social climate and individual differences in vulnerability to psychopathology among middle school students
GP Kuperminc, BJ Leadbeater, SJ Blatt
Journal of School psychology 39 (2), 141-159, 2001
Perceived school climate and difficulties in the social adjustment of middle school students
GP Kuperminc, BJ Leadbeater, C Emmons, SJ Blatt
Applied developmental science 1 (2), 76-88, 1997
Preventing teen pregnancy and academic failure: Experimental evaluation of a developmentally based approach
JP Allen, S Philliber, S Herrling, GP Kuperminc
Child Development, 729-742, 1997
A secure base in adolescence: Markers of attachment security in the mother–adolescent relationship
JP Allen, KB McElhaney, DJ Land, GP Kuperminc, CW Moore
Child Development 74 (1), 292-307, 0
Mentoring programs: A framework to inform program development, research, and evaluation
MJ Karcher, GP Kuperminc, SG Portwood, CL Sipe, AS Taylor
Journal of community psychology 34 (6), 709-725, 2006
Stability and change in attachment security across adolescence
JP Allen, KB McElhaney, GP Kuperminc, KM Jodl
Child development 75 (6), 1792-1805, 2004
Parent involvement in the academic adjustment of Latino middle and high school youth: Teacher expectations and school belonging as mediators
GP Kuperminc, AJ Darnell, A Alvarez-Jimenez
Journal of adolescence 31 (4), 469-483, 2008
Programmatic prevention of adolescent problem behaviors: The role of autonomy, relatedness, and volunteer service in the Teen Outreach Program
JP Allen, G Kuperminc, S Philliber, K Herre
American Journal of Community Psychology 22 (5), 595-615, 1994
Cultural attributes and adaptations linked to achievement motivation among Latino adolescents
GE Ibañez, GP Kuperminc, G Jurkovic, J Perilla
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 33, 559-568, 2004
Gender differences in posttraumatic stress and related symptoms among inner-city minority youth exposed to community violence
JD Foster, GP Kuperminc, AW Price
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 33, 59-69, 2004
Acculturative stress and school belonging among Latino youth
C Roche, GP Kuperminc
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 34 (1), 61-76, 2012
Toward a transactional model of parent-adolescent relationship quality and adolescent psychological adjustment
KA Fanti, CC Henrich, KA Brookmeyer, GP Kuperminc
The Journal of Early Adolescence 28 (2), 252-276, 2008
Risk, resilience, and positive development among Latino youth.
GP Kuperminc, NJ Wilkins, C Roche, A Alvarez-Jimenez
Sage Publications, Inc, 2009
Developmental approaches to understanding adolescent deviance.
JP Allen, CM Moore, GP Kuperminc
Cambridge University Press, 1997
Relation of filial responsibility to the personal and social adjustment of Latino adolescents from immigrant families.
GP Kuperminc, GJ Jurkovic, S Casey
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (1), 14, 2009
Aggression among adolescent victims of school bullying: Protective roles of family and school connectedness.
SD Duggins, GP Kuperminc, CC Henrich, C Smalls-Glover, JL Perilla
Psychology of violence 6 (2), 205, 2016
Reciprocal relations between depressive symptoms and self-criticism (but not dependency) among early adolescent girls (but not boys)
G Shahar, SJ Blatt, DC Zuroff, GP Kuperminc, BJ Leadbeater
Cognitive therapy and research 28, 85-103, 2004
The importance of adult connections in adolescents' sense of school belonging: Implications for schools and practitioners
AD Tillery, K Varjas, AT Roach, GP Kuperminc, J Meyers
Journal of School Violence 12 (2), 134-155, 2013
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