Tomas Lindroth
Tomas Lindroth
University of Gothenburg
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Laptopers in an educational practice: Promoting the personal learning situation
T Lindroth, M Bergquist
Computers & Education 54 (2), 311-320, 2010
Online communities as a driver for patient empowerment: systematic review
V Johansson, AS Islind, T Lindroth, E Angenete, M Gellerstedt
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (2), e19910, 2021
Co-designing a digital platform with boundary objects: bringing together heterogeneous users in healthcare
AS Islind, T Lindroth, J Lundin, G Steineck
Health and Technology 9, 425-438, 2019
Shift in translations: Data work with patient-generated health data in clinical practice
AS Islind, T Lindroth, J Lundin, G Steineck
Health informatics journal 25 (3), 577-586, 2019
The virtual clinic: two-sided affordances in consultation practice
AS Islind, UL Snis, T Lindroth, J Lundin, K Cerna, G Steineck
Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) 28, 435-468, 2019
Co-creation and fine-tuning of boundary resources in small-scale platformization
AS Islind, T Lindroth, UL Snis, C Sørensen
Nordic Contributions in IS Research: 7th Scandinavian Conference on …, 2016
From narratives to numbers: data work and patient-generated health data in consultations
T Lindroth, AS Islind, G Steineck, J Lundin
Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data: The Future of Co-Created …, 2018
Mobile Usability-Rigour meets relevance when usability goes mobile
T Lindroth, S Nilsson, P Rasmussen
IRIS24, Ulvik, Norway, 2001
The development of an mHealth tool for children with long-term illness to enable person-centered communication: user-centered design approach
A Wiljén, JE Chaplin, V Crine, W Jobe, E Johnson, K Karlsson, T Lindroth, ...
JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 5 (1), e30364, 2022
Breadcrumbs of interaction: situating personal information management
T Lindroth, M Bergquist
Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on Human-Computer interaction …, 2008
Contextual Usability-Rigour meets relevance when usability goes mobile
T Lindroth, S Nilsson
European Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium, Bled …, 2001
Mechanisms of constraint: a clinical inquiry of digital infrastructuring in municipalities
J Khisro, T Lindroth, J Magnusson
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 16 (1), 81-96, 2022
Changing categorical work in healthcare: the use of patient-generated health data in cancer rehabilitation
K Cerna, M Grisot, AS Islind, T Lindroth, J Lundin, G Steineck
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 29, 563-586, 2020
Digital decoupling: a population study of digital transformation strategies in Swedish municipalities
K Norling, T Lindroth, J Magnusson, J Torell
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2022
Digital infrastructures for patient centered care: examining two strategies for recombinability
M Grisot, T Lindroth, AS Islind
Exploring Digital Ecosystems: Organizational and Human Challenges, 289-300, 2020
Rhizomatic strategizing in digital transformation: a clinical field study
J Magnusson, J Khisro, T Lindroth, A Nilsson, K Norling
Offentlig sektors digitalisering: om mognad, styrning, organisering & strategi
J Magnusson, T Lindroth
Adda AB 1, 195, 2023
The laptop as an alibi: Use patterns of unfocused interaction
T Lindroth
Nordic journal of digital literacy 7 (2), 132-143, 2012
Balancing the Digital Portfolio: Empirical evidence of an ambidextrous bias in digital government
T Lindroth, J Magnusson, K Norling, J Torell
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital …, 2022
Being multisituated: characterizing laptoping in networked situations
T Lindroth
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