Merita Mesiäislehto
Merita Mesiäislehto
Andra namnMerita Jokela
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
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Covid-19-epidemian vaikutukset hyvinvointiin, palvelujärjestelmään ja kansantalouteen: Asiantuntija-arvio, kevät 2022
L Kestilä, S Kapiainen, M Mesiäislehto, P Rissanen
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL, 2022
Paid domestic work and the struggles of care workers in Latin America
M Blofield, M Jokela
Current Sociology 66 (4), 531-546, 2018
Child poverty, child maintenance and interactions with social assistance benefits among lone parent families: A comparative analysis
M Hakovirta, C Skinner, H Hiilamo, M Jokela
Journal of Social Policy 49 (1), 19-39, 2020
Contribution of child maintenance to lone mothers’ income in five countries
M Hakovirta, M Jokela
Journal of European Social Policy 29 (2), 257-272, 2019
The role of domestic employment policies in shaping precarious work
M Jokela
Social Policy & Administration 51 (2), 286-307, 2017
Patterns of precarious employment in a female-dominated sector in five welfare states—The case of paid domestic labor sector
M Jokela
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 26 (1), 30-58, 2019
Macro-level determinants of paid domestic labour prevalence: A cross-national analysis of seventy-four countries
M Jokela
Social Policy and Society 14 (3), 385-405, 2015
The antipoverty effectiveness of child support: Empirical evidence for Latin American countries
L Cuesta, M Hakovirta, M Jokela
Social Policy & Administration 52 (6), 1233-1251, 2018
Smaller net or just fewer to catch? Disentangling the causes for the varying sizes of minimum income schemes
J Tervola, M Mesiäislehto, J Ollonqvist
International Journal of Social Welfare 32 (2), 133-148, 2023
Toimeentulotuelta sosiaalityön asiakkaaksi: sosiaalityöhön ohjaaminen Kelan ja kunnan rajapinnassa
M Jokela, M Kivipelto, M Ylikännö
THL, 2019
The gendered impacts of the Covid-19 crisis in Finland and the effectiveness of the policy responses: Findings of the project" The impact of the Covid-19 crisis in Finland"
M Mesiäislehto, A Elomäki, J Närvi, M Simanainen, H Sutela, T Räsänen
Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare= Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL, 2022
Selvitys toimeentulotukiuudistuksen vaikutuksista
M Kivipelto, H Tanhua, M Jokela
THL, 2019
Koronakriisin vaikutukset sukupuolten tasa-arvoon Suomessa
M Mesiäislehto, A Elomäki, M Kivipelto, J Närvi, T Räsänen, H Sutela, ...
Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 2022
Social workers' perceptions on clients' service needs and social work practices during the COVID-19 pandemic
M Mesiäislehto, M Kivipelto, H Hiilamo
Journal of comparative social work 16 (2), 9-35, 2021
Osallistavan sosiaaliturvan kuntakokeilu
M Kivipelto, P Karjalainen, M Jokela, E Liukko, I Ilmakunnas, P Moisio
THL, 2018
Lone mothers and child support receipt in 21 European countries
M Hakovirta, M Mesiäislehto
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 38 (1), 36-56, 2022
Enforcement strategies for empowerment: Models for the California domestic worker bill of rights
E Boris, M Jokela, M Undén
Climate crisis and social protection-from worker protection to post-growth transformation?
L Nenning, P Bridgen, K Zimmermann, M Büchs, M Mesiäislehto
Social Policy and Society 22 (4), 695-714, 2023
The role of social transfers in mitigating families with children from the economic impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic
S Kärkkäinen, M Mesiäislehto, O Sirniö, S Karvonen, TM Kauppinen
International Journal of Social Welfare 32 (3), 352-368, 2023
Toimeentulotuen saajamäärät kasvoivat vähän: koronaepidemia toi esiin järjestelmän joustavuuden
M Jokela, T Korpela, M Kivipelto, S Jauhiainen
THL, 2021
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