What's mine is yours (for a nominal fee)–Exploring the spectrum of utilitarian to altruistic motives for Internet-mediated sharing E Bucher, C Fieseler, C Lutz Computers in Human Behavior 62, 316-326, 2016 | 460 | 2016 |
Corporate social responsibility in the blogosphere C Fieseler, M Fleck, M Meckel Journal of business ethics 91, 599-614, 2010 | 365 | 2010 |
Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron? D Kost, C Fieseler, SI Wong Human Resource Management Journal 30 (1), 100-113, 2020 | 308 | 2020 |
The stress potential of social media in the workplace E Bucher, C Fieseler, A Suphan Information, communication & society 16 (10), 1639-1667, 2013 | 265 | 2013 |
Unfairness by design? The perceived fairness of digital labor on crowdworking platforms C Fieseler, E Bucher, CP Hoffmann Journal of Business Ethics 156, 987-1005, 2019 | 260 | 2019 |
The role of privacy concerns in the sharing economy C Lutz, CP Hoffmann, E Bucher, C Fieseler Information, Communication & Society 21 (10), 1472-1492, 2018 | 226 | 2018 |
Working in the digitized economy: HRM theory & practice CE Connelly, C Fieseler, M Černe, SR Giessner, SI Wong Human Resource Management Review 31 (1), 100762, 2021 | 196 | 2021 |
The pursuit of empowerment through social media: Structural social capital dynamics in CSR-blogging C Fieseler, M Fleck Journal of business ethics 118, 759-775, 2013 | 181 | 2013 |
Towards a deliberative framework for responsible innovation in artificial intelligence A Buhmann, C Fieseler Technology in Society 64, 101475, 2021 | 178 | 2021 |
Sharing economy, sharing responsibility? Corporate social responsibility in the digital age M Etter, C Fieseler, G Whelan Journal of business ethics 159, 935-942, 2019 | 160 | 2019 |
Investor relations beyond financials: Non‐financial factors and capital market image building C Hoffmann, C Fieseler Corporate Communications: An International Journal 17 (2), 138-155, 2012 | 153 | 2012 |
On the corporate social responsibility perceptions of equity analysts C Fieseler Business Ethics: A European Review 20 (2), 131-147, 2011 | 153 | 2011 |
Managing algorithmic accountability: Balancing reputational concerns, engagement strategies, and the potential of rational discourse A Buhmann, J Paßmann, C Fieseler Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2), 265-280, 2020 | 144 | 2020 |
Professional personae-how organizational identification shapes online identity in the workplace C Fieseler, M Meckel, G Ranzini Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 20 (2), 153-170, 2015 | 141 | 2015 |
Authenticity and the sharing economy E Bucher, C Fieseler, M Fleck, C Lutz Academy of Management Discoveries 4 (3), 294-313, 2018 | 112 | 2018 |
Finding meaning in a hopeless place? The construction of meaningfulness in digital microwork D Kost, C Fieseler, SI Wong Computers in Human Behavior 82, 101-110, 2018 | 92 | 2018 |
Deep learning meets deep democracy: Deliberative governance and responsible innovation in artificial intelligence A Buhmann, C Fieseler Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (1), 146-179, 2023 | 86 | 2023 |
Collective action and provider classification in the sharing economy G Newlands, C Lutz, C Fieseler New Technology, Work and Employment 33 (3), 250-267, 2018 | 84 | 2018 |
From crafting what you do to building resilience for career commitment in the gig economy SI Wong, D Kost, C Fieseler Human Resource Management Journal 31 (4), 918-935, 2021 | 80 | 2021 |
The flow of digital labor E Bucher, C Fieseler New media & society 19 (11), 1868-1886, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |