Zachary Mohr
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Research Methods for Public Administrators
G Rassel, S Leland, Z Mohr, E O’Sullivan
London: Routledge. https://doi. org/10.4324/9780429319860, 2020
Green tape and job satisfaction: Can organizational rules make employees happy?
L DeHart-Davis, RS Davis, Z Mohr
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 25 (3), 849-876, 2015
Taking stock: Assessing and improving performance budgeting theory and practice
EY Lu, Z Mohr, ATK Ho
Public Performance & Management Review 38 (3), 426-458, 2015
Formalization and consistency heighten organizational rule following: Experimental and survey evidence
EL Borry, L DeHart‐Davis, W Kaufmann, CC Merritt, Z Mohr, L Tummers
Public Administration 96 (2), 368-385, 2018
Bureaucratic accountability in third‐party governance: Experimental evidence of blame attribution during times of budgetary crisis
J Piatak, Z Mohr, S Leland
Public Administration 95 (4), 976-989, 2017
Strategic Spending: Does Politics Influence Election Administration Expenditure?
Z Mohr, JEV Pope, ME Kropf, MJ Shepherd
American Journal of Political Science, 2019
Performance measurement and cost accounting: Are they complementary or competing systems of control?
ZT Mohr
Public Administration Review 76 (4), 616-625, 2016
An analysis of the purposes of cost accounting in large US cities
ZT Mohr
Public Budgeting & Finance 35 (1), 95-115, 2015
Making every vote count: The important role of managerial capacity in achieving better election administration outcomes
M Kropf, JEV Pope, MJ Shepherd, Z Mohr
Public Administration Review 80 (5), 733-742, 2020
Accountability in government contracting arrangements: Experimental analysis of blame attribution across levels of government
S Leland, Z Mohr, J Piatak
The American Review of Public Administration 51 (4), 251-262, 2021
Rule formalization, gender, and gender congruence: Examining prosocial rule breaking for internal and external stakeholders
J Piatak, Z Mohr, J McDonald
International Public Management Journal 25 (4), 566-584, 2022
Comparing cost accounting use across European countries: The role of administrative traditions, NPM instruments, and fiscal stress
ZT Mohr, R Raudla, JW Douglas
Public Administration Review 81 (2), 299-307, 2021
Cost accounting in government: Theory and applications
Z Mohr
Taylor & Francis, 2017
The role of gender in government and nonprofit workplaces: An experimental analysis of rule compliance and supervisor trust
J Piatak, J McDonald, Z Mohr
Public Administration Review 82 (3), 556-569, 2022
Behavioral-experimental public budgeting and financial management: a review of experimental studies in the field
Z Mohr, L Kearney
Public Finance and Management 20 (1), 11-44, 2021
Cost accounting in US cities: Transaction costs and governance factors affecting cost accounting development and use
Z Mohr
University of Kansas, 2013
Cost accounting at the service level: An analyis of transaction cost influnces on indirect cost measurment in the cost accounting plans of large us cities
Z Mohr
Public Administration Quarterly 41 (1), 91-129, 2017
Guns or Butter… or Elections? Understanding intertemporal and distributive dimensions of policy choice through the examination of budgetary tradeoffs at the local level
MJ McGowan, JEV Pope, ME Kropf, Z Mohr
Public Budgeting & Finance 41 (4), 3-19, 2021
Evaluating the Recessionary Impact on Election Administration Budgeting and Spending: Part of Special Symposium on Election Sciences
Z Mohr, JEV Pope, MJ Shepherd, M Kropf, A Hill
American Politics Research 48 (6), 709-713, 2020
Blame dynamics across the organizational hierarchy and sectors: How a staffing shortage and ownership shape blame for nursing homes in crisis
JS Piatak, Z T. Mohr, SM Leland
International Public Management Journal 27 (1), 18-37, 2024
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