Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Läs mer
På den här sidan listas offentliga profiler för Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Om du vill att din profil ska inkluderas här ställer du in din anknytning på Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi och verifierar en e-postadress hos den här institutionen. dölj
Dr. Bhim Singh
SERB National Science Chair, Dept of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi
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Citerat av 64114
Prof. Ravi Shankar
Professor, Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi
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Citerat av 46545
Gopal Tiwari
Former Professor, CES, IIT Delhi
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Citerat av 42068

bishwajit bhattacharjee
professor, civil engineering, iit delhi
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Citerat av 32559

Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi
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Citerat av 26661
SN Naik
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
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SC Kaushik
Centre for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi
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Citerat av 25175
DP Kothari
Vice chancellor, VIT Vellore, Director I/c, IIT Delhi, Deputy Director(A),IIT Delhi,Principal …
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Bhuvanesh Gupta
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
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Citerat av 20970