Royal College of Art Läs mer

På den här sidan listas offentliga profiler för Royal College of Art. Om du vill att din profil ska inkluderas här ställer du in din anknytning på Royal College of Art och verifierar en e-postadress hos den här institutionen. dölj
Dr Isis Amelie Hjorth

Dr Isis Amelie Hjorth

Research Associate, OII, University of Oxford; PhD Candidate, Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 5014
Gerard Briscoe

Gerard Briscoe

Research Fellow, Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 2833
Dr Cyriel Diels

Dr Cyriel Diels

Royal College of Art - Intelligent Mobility Design Centre
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Citerat av 2174
Tibor Balint

Tibor Balint

Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 1156
Bjorn Sommer

Bjorn Sommer

Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 1007
Professor Jo-Anne Bichard

Professor Jo-Anne Bichard

Professor of Accessible Design Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 1001
Ashley Hall

Ashley Hall

Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 984
Elif Ozden Yenigun

Elif Ozden Yenigun

Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 916
Stephen Boyd Davis

Stephen Boyd Davis

Royal College of Art, Middlesex University
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Citerat av 880
Suzanne Buchan

Suzanne Buchan

Royal College of Art
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Citerat av 567
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