Pierre-Louis TABERNA

Pierre-Louis TABERNA

CNRS Research Director at CIRIMAT
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Citerat av 57303
Christophe Coperet

Christophe Coperet

Professor of Chemistry, ETH Zürich
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Citerat av 35211
Erio Tosatti

Erio Tosatti

Theoretical Condensed Matter Physicist
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Citerat av 33696
Hirohito Ogasawara

Hirohito Ogasawara

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Citerat av 18808
Tim Jones

Tim Jones

Provost and Professor of Chemistry, University of Birmingham
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Citerat av 15888
Myung Jhon

Myung Jhon

Carnegie Mellon University
Verifierad e-postadress på andrew.cmu.edu
Citerat av 14207
Kijung Yong

Kijung Yong

Verifierad e-postadress på postech.ac.kr
Citerat av 12758
Ben B. Xu

Ben B. Xu

Professor, Northumbria University
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Citerat av 12681
Wei Xia

Wei Xia

Ruhr-University Bochum
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Citerat av 11947
Satheesh Krishnamurthy FRSC FIMMM

Satheesh Krishnamurthy FRSC FIMMM

Professor and Director of Surrey Ion Beam Centre, A UK National Research Facility
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Citerat av 11866
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