Anthony Waas
Anthony Waas, Richard A Auhll Department Chair and Felix Pawlowski Professor
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Citerat av 20124
Benjamin Schafer
Professor and Past Chairmen, Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, Johns Hopkins …
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Citerat av 17737

Gregory J Hancock
Emeritus Professor University of Sydney
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Citerat av 13176
Saeid Sahmani
Professor, School of Science and Technology, The University of Georgia
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Citerat av 12300
Yaser Kiani
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Shahrekord University
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Citerat av 10339

Spyros A. Karamanos
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly
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Citerat av 5389
Ahmer Wadee
Professor of Nonlinear Mechanics, Imperial College London, UK
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Citerat av 4201
Paulo Vila Real
Full Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Aveiro
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Citerat av 3539