Gordon Cheng

Gordon Cheng

Technical University of Munich
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Citerat av 13893
Bobak Shahriari

Bobak Shahriari

Google DeepMind
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Citerat av 9132
Ryan C. Julian

Ryan C. Julian

Google DeepMind
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Citerat av 6818
Scott Niekum

Scott Niekum

Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Citerat av 5832
Corey Lynch

Corey Lynch

Verifierad e-postadress på figure.ai
Citerat av 5783
Ayzaan Wahid

Ayzaan Wahid

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Citerat av 5109
Mohi Khansari

Mohi Khansari

Distinguished AI Engineer @ 1X Tech
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Citerat av 4260
Yuxiang Zhou

Yuxiang Zhou

Google DeepMind
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Citerat av 3876
Michael Laskey

Michael Laskey

CTO & Co-Founder - Electric Sheep Robotics
Verifierad e-postadress på electricsheep.company
Citerat av 3704
Takayuki Osa

Takayuki Osa

University of Tokyo / RIKEN AIP
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Citerat av 2933
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