The End of History? F Fukuyama The New Social Theory Reader, 298-304, 2020 | 44900* | 2020 |
Trust: The social virtues and the creation of prosperity F Fukuyama Simon and Schuster, 1996 | 29977 | 1996 |
El fin de la historia y el último hombre F Fukuyama El fin de la historia y el último hombre, 474 p.-474 p., 1994 | 5439* | 1994 |
Our posthuman future: Consequences of the biotechnology revolution F Fukuyama Macmillan, 2003 | 5053 | 2003 |
State building: Governance and world order in the 21st century F Fukuyama Profile Books, 2017 | 4946 | 2017 |
Social capital, civil society and development F Fukuyama Third world quarterly 22 (1), 7-20, 2001 | 4055 | 2001 |
The great disruption F Fukuyama Profile Books, 2017 | 3806 | 2017 |
The origins of political order: From prehuman times to the French Revolution F Fukuyama Profile books, 2011 | 3471 | 2011 |
Social capital and civil society F Fukuyama IMF Working Paper No. 00/74, 2000 | 3137 | 2000 |
Political order and political decay: From the industrial revolution to the globalization of democracy F Fukuyama Macmillan, 2014 | 2762 | 2014 |
What is governance? F Fukuyama Governance 26 (3), 347-368, 2013 | 2577 | 2013 |
Respuesta a mis críticos F Fukuyama El País 21, 1989 | 1964 | 1989 |
Social capital and the global economy F Fukuyama Foreign Aff. 74, 89, 1995 | 1904 | 1995 |
Identity: The demand for dignity and the politics of resentment F Fukuyama Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018 | 1849 | 2018 |
O fim da história eo último homem F Fukuyama, M Góis, PMS Alves, MJ Vieira | 1830 | 1992 |
Наше постчеловеческое будущее: Последствия биотехнологической революции Ф Фукуяма ООО" Изд-во АСТ", 2004 | 1605 | 2004 |
La fin de l'histoire et le dernier homme F Fukuyama, DA Canal, H Védrine Flammarion, 1992 | 1435 | 1992 |
Das Ende der Geschichte F Fukuyama Hoffmann und Campe, 2022 | 1425 | 2022 |
Social capital and development: The coming agenda F Fukuyama SAIS review 22 (1), 23-37, 2002 | 1109 | 2002 |
America at the crossroads: Democracy, power, and the neoconservative legacy F Fukuyama Yale University Press, 2006 | 994 | 2006 |