Bipin Sharma
Bipin Sharma
Верификована је имејл адреса на tripurauniv.in
Microbial siderophores and their potential applications: a review
M Saha, S Sarkar, B Sarkar, BK Sharma, S Bhattacharjee, P Tribedi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 3984-3999, 2016
Analysis and prediction of antibacterial peptides
S Lata, BK Sharma, GPS Raghava
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-10, 2007
Biotechnological approach of microbial lipase: a review
D Sharma, B Sharma, AK Shukla
Biotechnology (Faisalabad) 10 (1), 23-40, 2010
Traditional healing practice and folk medicines used by Mishing community of North East India
R Shankar, GS Lavekar, S Deb, BK Sharma
Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine 3 (3), 124, 2012
Effect of peer counselling by mother support groups on infant and young child feeding practices: the Lalitpur experience
KP Kushwaha, J Sankar, MJ Sankar, A Gupta, JP Dadhich, YP Gupta, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e109181, 2014
Silver inhibits the biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
BK Sharma, A Saha, L Rahaman, S Bhattacharjee, P Tribedi
Advances in Microbiology 5 (10), 677-685, 2015
Antimalarial plants of northeast India: An overview
R Shankar, S Deb, BK Sharma
Journal of Ayurveda and integrative Medicine 3 (1), 10, 2012
Traditional healing practices in north east India
SD Ramashankar, BK Sharma
Indian journal of history of science 50 (2), 324-332, 2015
Seabuckthorn (Hippophae sp. L.): new crop opportunity for biodiversity conservation in cold arid Trans-Himalayas
S Acharya, T Stobdan, SB Singh
J Soil Water Conserv 9 (3), 201-204, 2010
Jaundice and its traditional cure in Arunachal Pradesh.
RS Rama Shankar, MS Rawat, S Deb, BK Sharma
An overview of traditional rice beer of North-east India: ethnic preparation, challenges and prospects
N Nath, S Ghosh, L Rahaman, DL Kaipeng, BK Sharma
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2019
Community-wise evaluation of rice beer prepared by some ethnic tribes of Tripura
S Ghosh, L Rahaman, DL Kaipeng, D Deb, N Nath, P Tribedi, BK Sharma
Journal of Ethnic Foods 3 (4), 251-256, 2016
A novel calcimycin antibiotic from Gram-positive actinomycete Frankia microsymbiont
HK Sarma, BK Sharma, SC Tiwari
CURRENT SCIENCE-BANGALORE- 85 (10), 1401-1403, 2003
Vascular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) spore diversity and density across the soil of degraded forest and rubber plantation in Tripura, India
U Sarkar, BK Choudhary, BK Sharma
Am-Eurasian J Agric Environ Sci 14, 1080-1088, 2014
Minocycline trial in Japanese encephalitis: a double blind, randomized placebo study
AK Singh, A Mehta, KP Kushwaha, AK Pandey, M Mittal, B Sharma, ...
Int J Pediatr Res 3 (5), 371-377, 2016
Distribution, conservation and folk uses of Vaibidang (Embelia ribes Burm. f.)
R Shankar, GS Lavekar, S Deb, BK Sharma, MS Rawat
Int. J. Biodivers. Conserv 4 (13), 525-529, 2012
Bioremediation: an alternative approach for detoxification of polymers from the contaminated environment
D Borthakur, M Rani, K Das, MP Shah, BK Sharma, A Kumar
Letters in Applied Microbiology 75 (4), 744-758, 2022
Isolation and Partial Evaluation of a Potential Indigenous Yeast Strain Pichia kudriavzevii from a Traditional Rice Beer—“Gora” Prepared by the Koloi Tribes of Tripura
S Ghosh, S De Mandal, N Nath, DL Kaipeng, L Rahaman, SK Nachimuthu, ...
Advances in Microbiology 9 (9), 824-841, 2019
Polymorphic distribution and phenotypic diversity of Frankia strains in nodule lobes of Hippöphae salicifolia D. Don
HK Sarma, BK Sharma, SS Singh, SC Tiwari, AK Mishra
Current Science, 1516-1521, 2006
X-ray induced mutations in jute (Corchorus capsularis L. and Corchorus olitorius L.).
DP Singh, BK Sharma, SC Banerjee
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