A process model of internal corporate venturing in the diversified major firm RA Burgelman Administrative science quarterly, 223-244, 1983 | 3978 | 1983 |
Strategic management of technology and innovation RA Burgelman, MA Maidique, SC Wheelwright Irwin 2, 37, 1996 | 2644 | 1996 |
Intraorganizational ecology of strategy making and organizational adaptation: Theory and field research RA Burgelman Organization science 2 (3), 239-262, 1991 | 2481 | 1991 |
Corporate entrepreneurship and strategic management: Insights from a process study RA Burgelman Management science 29 (12), 1349-1364, 1983 | 2440 | 1983 |
A model of the interaction of strategic behavior, corporate context, and the concept of strategy RA Burgelman Academy of management Review 8 (1), 61-70, 1983 | 1971 | 1983 |
Fading memories: A process theory of strategic business exit in dynamic environments RA Burgelman Administrative Science Quarterly, 24-56, 1994 | 1711 | 1994 |
Robert A. Burgelman & Leonard R. Sayles (1986), Inside Corporate Innovation: Strategy, Structure and Managerial Skills RA Burgelman M@ n@ gement 18 (2), 179-185, 2015 | 1290 | 2015 |
Strategy as vector and the inertia of coevolutionary lock-in RA Burgelman Administrative science quarterly 47 (2), 325-357, 2002 | 1243 | 2002 |
Designs for corporate entrepreneurship in established firms RA Burgelman California management review 26 (3), 154-166, 1984 | 1086 | 1984 |
Strategy is destiny: How strategy-making shapes a company's future RA Burgelman Free Press, 2020 | 750 | 2020 |
Let chaos reign, then rein in chaos—repeatedly: Managing strategic dynamics for corporate longevity RA Burgelman, AS Grove Strategic management journal 28 (10), 965-979, 2007 | 729 | 2007 |
A process model of strategic business exit: Implications for an evolutionary perspective on strategy RA Burgelman Strategic management journal 17 (S1), 193-214, 1996 | 619 | 1996 |
Strategic dissonance RA Burgelman, AS Grove California management review 38 (2), 8-28, 1996 | 605 | 1996 |
Strategic management of technology and innovation RA Burgelman, CM Christensen, SC Wheelwright McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2008 | 550 | 2008 |
Evolutionary perspectives on strategy WP Barnett, RA Burgelman Strategic management journal 17 (S1), 5-19, 1996 | 523 | 1996 |
Strategy processes and practices: Dialogues and intersections RA Burgelman, SW Floyd, T Laamanen, S Mantere, E Vaara, ... Strategic management journal 39 (3), 531-558, 2018 | 457 | 2018 |
Managing the new venture division: Research findings and implications for strategic management RA Burgelman Strategic Management Journal 6 (1), 39-54, 1985 | 433 | 1985 |
Strategy making as a social learning process: The case of internal corporate venturing RA Burgelman Interfaces 18 (3), 74-85, 1988 | 361 | 1988 |
Managing the internal corporate venturing process RA Burgelman Sloan Management Review (pre-1986) 25 (2), 33, 1984 | 339 | 1984 |
Technology strategy: an evolutionary process perspective RA Burgelman, RS Rosenbloom Research on technological innovation, management and policy 4 (1), 1-23, 1989 | 290 | 1989 |