Philippe Rozenberg
Philippe Rozenberg
Directeur de Recherches, INRAE
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Colour of larch heartwood and relationships to extractives and brown-rot decay resistance
N Gierlinger, D Jacques, M Grabner, R Wimmer, M Schwanninger, ...
Trees 18, 102-108, 2004
Genetic parameters of growth and wood quality traits in Picea abies
B Hannrup, C Cahalan, G Chantre, M Grabner, B Karlsson, IL Bayon, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19 (1), 14-29, 2004
Genetic parameters and QTL analysis of δ13C and ring width in maritime pine
O Brendel, D Pot, C Plomion, P Rozenberg, JM Guehl
Plant, Cell & Environment 25 (8), 945-953, 2002
What is hot in tree rings? The wood density of surviving Douglas-firs to the 2003 drought and heat wave
A Martinez-Meier, L Sanchez, M Pastorino, L Gallo, P Rozenberg
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (4), 837-843, 2008
A common near infrared—based partial least squares regression model for the prediction of wood density of Pinus pinaster and Larix × eurolepis
A Alves, A Santos, P Rozenberg, LE Pâques, JP Charpentier, ...
Wood Science and Technology 46, 157-175, 2012
Spruce and wood quality: genetic aspects (a review)
P Rozenberg, CH Cahalan
Silvae Genetica 46 (5), 270-279, 1997
The effect of climate on wood density: what provenance trials tell us?
C Nabais, JK Hansen, R David-Schwartz, M Klisz, R López, P Rozenberg
Forest Ecology and Management 408, 148-156, 2018
Genetic control of pulp and timber properties in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
D Pot, G Chantre, P Rozenberg, JC Rodrigues, GL Jones, H Pereira, ...
Annals of Forest Science 59 (5-6), 563-575, 2002
Douglas-fir is vulnerable to exceptional and recurrent drought episodes and recovers less well on less fertile sites
AS Sergent, P Rozenberg, N Bréda
Annals of Forest Science 71, 697-708, 2014
Variation of wood density and hydraulic properties of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) clones related to a heat and drought wave in France
G Dalla-Salda, A Martinez-Meier, H Cochard, P Rozenberg
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (1), 182-189, 2009
Can wood density be efficiently selected at early stage in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)?
L Bouffier, C Charlot, A Raffin, P Rozenberg, A Kremer
Annals of Forest Science 65 (1), 1-8, 2008
Comprehensive genetic dissection of wood properties in a widely-grown tropical tree: Eucalyptus
JM Gion, A Carouché, S Deweer, F Bedon, F Pichavant, JP Charpentier, ...
Bmc Genomics 12, 1-19, 2011
QTLs and candidate genes for wood properties in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
D Pot, JC Rodrigues, P Rozenberg, G Chantre, J Tibbits, C Cahalan, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 2, 10-24, 2006
The role of plant hormones in tree-ring formation
V Buttò, A Deslauriers, S Rossi, P Rozenberg, V Shishov, H Morin
Trees 34, 315-335, 2020
Genetic variation of xylem hydraulic properties shows that wood density is involved in adaptation to drought in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.))
G Dalla-Salda, A Martinez-Meier, H Cochard, P Rozenberg
Annals of Forest Science 68, 747-757, 2011
Species mixture increases the effect of drought on tree ring density, but not on ring width, in Quercus petraea–Pinus sylvestris stands
M Toigo, P Vallet, V Tuilleras, F Lebourgeois, P Rozenberg, S Perret, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 345, 73-82, 2015
Clonal variation of wood density record of cambium reaction to water deficit in Picea abies (L.) Karst
P Rozenberg, J Van Loo, B Hannrup, M Grabner
Annals of Forest Science 59 (5-6), 533-540, 2002
Dynamics of cavitation in a Douglas-fir tree-ring: transition-wood, the lord of the ring?
G Dalla Salda, ME Fernández, AS Sergent, P Rozenberg, E Badel, ...
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, 2014
What are the consequences of growth selection on wood density in the French maritime pine breeding programme?
L Bouffier, A Raffin, P Rozenberg, C Meredieu, A Kremer
Tree Genetics & Genomes 5 (1), 11-25, 2009
A comparison of five methods to assess embolism resistance in trees
AS Sergent, SA Varela, TS Barigah, E Badel, H Cochard, G Dalla-Salda, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 468, 118175, 2020
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