Antoni Lombarte
Antoni Lombarte
Científic Titular de l'Institut de Ciències del Mar de Barcelona-CSIC
Верификована је имејл адреса на icm.cat
Otolith atlas for the western Mediterranean, north and central eastern Atlantic
VM Tuset, A Lombarte, CA Assis
Scientia Marina 72 (S1), 7-198, 2008
Otolith size changes related with body growth, habitat depth and temperature
A Lombarte, J Lleonart
Environmental biology of fishes 37, 297-306, 1993
A web-based environment for shape analysis of fish otoliths. The AFORO database
A Lombarte, Ò Chic, V Parisi-Baradad, R Olivella, J Piera, ...
CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), 2006
Comparative morphology of the sagittal otolith in Serranus spp.
VM Tuset, A Lombarte, JA González, JF Pertusa, MAJ Lorente
Journal of fish biology 63 (6), 1491-1504, 2003
Low‐frequency sounds induce acoustic trauma in cephalopods
M André, M Solé, M Lenoir, M Durfort, C Quero, A Mas, A Lombarte, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (9), 489-493, 2011
Spatiotemporal variation in the population structure of the European hake in the NW Mediterranean
L Recasens, A Lombarte, B Morales‐Nin, GJ Tores
Journal of fish biology 53 (2), 387-401, 1998
Damage and regeneration of hair cell ciliary bundles in a fish ear following treatment with gentamicin
A Lombarte, HY Yan, AN Popper, JS Chang, C Platt
Hearing research 64 (2), 166-174, 1993
Sagittal otolith shape used in the identification of fishes of the genus Serranus
VM Tuset, PL Rosin, A Lombarte
Fisheries Research 81 (2-3), 316-325, 2006
Quantitative analyses of postembryonic hair cell addition in the otolithic endorgans of the inner ear of the European hake, Merluccius merluccius (Gadiformes, Teleostei)
A Lombarte, AN Popper
Journal of Comparative Neurology 345 (3), 419-428, 1994
Otolith size trends in marine fish communities from different depth strata
A Lombarte, A Cruz
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (1), 53-76, 2007
Ontogenetic and environmental effects on otolith shape variability in three Mediterranean European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) local stocks
F Capoccioni, C Costa, J Aguzzi, P Menesatti, A Lombarte, E Ciccotti
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 397 (1), 1-7, 2011
External morphology explains the success of biological invasions
E Azzurro, VM Tuset, A Lombarte, F Maynou, D Simberloff, ...
Ecology letters 17 (11), 1455-1463, 2014
Otolith shape contour analysis using affine transformation invariant wavelet transforms and curvature scale space representation
V Parisi-Baradad, A Lombarte, E García-Ladona, J Cabestany, J Piera, ...
Marine and freshwater research 56 (5), 795-804, 2005
Ecomorphological comparisons of sagittae in Mullus barbatus and M. surmuletus
H Aguirre, A Lombarte
Journal of Fish Biology 55 (1), 105-114, 1999
Ecomorphological trends and phylogenetic inertia of otolith sagittae in Nototheniidae
A Lombarte, M Palmer, J Matallanas, J Gómez-Zurita, B Morales-Nin
Environmental Biology of Fishes 89, 607-618, 2010
Sagittal otolith size and shape variability to identify geographical intraspecific differences in three species of the genus Merluccius
GJ Torres, A Lombarte, B Morales-Nin
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 80 (2 …, 2000
Otolith growth and age estimation in the European hake
B Morales‐Nin, GJ Tores, A Lombarte, L Recasens
Journal of Fish Biology 53 (6), 1155-1168, 1998
Interspecific and intraspecific otolith variability in the genus Merluccius as determined by image analysis
A Lombarte, A Castellón
Canadian journal of zoology 69 (9), 2442-2449, 1991
Variability of the sulcus acusticus in the sagittal otolith of the genus Merluccius (Merlucciidae)
GJ Torres, A Lombarte, B Morales-Nin
Fisheries Research 46 (1-3), 5-13, 2000
Use of otolith shape for stock identification of John's snapper, Lutjanus johnii (Pisces: Lutjanidae), from the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea
Z Sadighzadeh, T Valinassab, G Vosugi, AA Motallebi, MR Fatemi, ...
Fisheries Research 155, 59-63, 2014
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