Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Christopher TicknorСазнајте више
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Self‐Organization in Dense Plasmas: The Gamma‐Plateau
J Clérouin, P Arnault, G Robert, C Ticknor, JD Kress, LA Collins
Contributions to Plasma Physics 55 (2‐3), 159-163, 2015
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
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Circular dichroism in higher-order harmonic generation: Heralding topological phases and transitions in Chern insulators
A Chacón, D Kim, W Zhu, SP Kelly, A Dauphin, E Pisanty, AS Maxwell, ...
Physical Review B 102 (13), 134115, 2020
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy, Banking Foundation "la Caixa", UK Engineering and …
Planetary ices and the linear mixing approximation
M Bethkenhagen, ER Meyer, S Hamel, N Nettelmann, M French, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 848 (1), 67, 2017
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy, German Research Foundation
Review of the first charged-particle transport coefficient comparison workshop
PE Grabowski, SB Hansen, MS Murillo, LG Stanton, FR Graziani, ...
High Energy Density Physics 37, 100905, 2020
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Attosecond two-photon interferometry for doubly excited states of helium
J Feist, S Nagele, C Ticknor, BI Schneider, LA Collins, J Burgdörfer
Physical review letters 107 (9), 093005, 2011
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Magpie: A new thermochemical code
C Ticknor, SA Andrews, JA Leiding
AIP Conference Proceedings 2272 (1), 2020
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Transport properties of an asymmetric mixture in the dense plasma regime
C Ticknor, JD Kress, LA Collins, J Clérouin, P Arnault, A Decoster
Physical Review E 93 (6), 063208, 2016
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Single and multiple vortex rings in three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates: Existence, stability, and dynamics
W Wang, RN Bisset, C Ticknor, R Carretero-González, DJ Frantzeskakis, ...
Physical Review A 95 (4), 043638, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Evidence for out-of-equilibrium states in warm dense matter probed by x-ray Thomson scattering
J Clérouin, G Robert, P Arnault, C Ticknor, JD Kress, LA Collins
Physical Review E 91 (1), 011101, 2015
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Effect of correlation on viscosity and diffusion in molecular-dynamics simulations
ER Meyer, JD Kress, LA Collins, C Ticknor
Physical Review E 90 (4), 043101, 2014
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Robust vortex lines, vortex rings, and hopfions in three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
RN Bisset, W Wang, C Ticknor, R Carretero-González, DJ Frantzeskakis, ...
Physical Review A 92 (6), 063611, 2015
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy, European Commission
Correlation and transport properties for mixtures at constant pressure and temperature
AJ White, LA Collins, JD Kress, C Ticknor, J Clérouin, P Arnault, ...
Physical Review E 95 (6), 063202, 2017
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Unified concept of effective one component plasma for hot dense plasmas
J Clérouin, P Arnault, C Ticknor, JD Kress, LA Collins
Physical Review Letters 116 (11), 115003, 2016
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Spectral and dynamical analysis of a single vortex ring in anisotropic harmonically trapped three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
C Ticknor, W Wang, PG Kevrekidis
Physical Review A 98 (3), 033609, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, Swedish Research …
Bifurcation and stability of single and multiple vortex rings in three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
RN Bisset, W Wang, C Ticknor, R Carretero-González, DJ Frantzeskakis, ...
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043601, 2015
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy, European Commission
Observing topological phase transitions with high harmonic generation
A Chacón, W Zhu, SP Kelly, A Dauphin, E Pisanty, A Picón, C Ticknor, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.01616, 2018
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy, European Commission, Government of Spain
Bonding and structure in dense multi-component molecular mixtures
ER Meyer, C Ticknor, M Bethkenhagen, S Hamel, R Redmer, JD Kress, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 143 (16), 2015
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy, German Research Foundation
Multicomponent mutual diffusion in the warm, dense matter regime
AJ White, C Ticknor, ER Meyer, JD Kress, LA Collins
Physical Review E 100 (3), 033213, 2019
Овлашћења: US Department of Energy
Instabilities of a vortex-ring-bright soliton in trapped binary three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
VP Ruban, W Wang, C Ticknor, PG Kevrekidis
Physical Review A 105 (1), 013319, 2022
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, National Natural …
Quasistable quantum vortex knots and links in anisotropic harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
C Ticknor, VP Ruban, PG Kevrekidis
Physical Review A 99 (6), 063604, 2019
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
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