Paul Chafee Cross
Paul Chafee Cross
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LoCoH: nonparameteric kernel methods for constructing home ranges and utilization distributions
WM Getz, S Fortmann-Roe, PC Cross, AJ Lyons, SJ Ryan, CC Wilmers
PloS one 2 (2), e207, 2007
Should we expect population thresholds for wildlife disease?
JO Lloyd-Smith, PC Cross, CJ Briggs, M Daugherty, WM Getz, J Latto, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 20 (9), 511-519, 2005
Wildlife tuberculosis in South African conservation areas: implications and challenges
AL Michel, RG Bengis, DF Keet, M Hofmeyr, LM De Klerk, PC Cross, ...
Veterinary microbiology 112 (2-4), 91-100, 2006
Assembling evidence for identifying reservoirs of infection
M Viana, R Mancy, R Biek, S Cleaveland, PC Cross, JO Lloyd-Smith, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 29 (5), 270-279, 2014
Duelling timescales of host movement and disease recovery determine invasion of disease in structured populations
PC Cross, JO Lloyd‐Smith, PLF Johnson, WM Getz
Ecology letters 8 (6), 587-595, 2005
Modeling routes of chronic wasting disease transmission: environmental prion persistence promotes deer population decline and extinction
ES Almberg, PC Cross, CJ Johnson, DM Heisey, BJ Richards
PloS one 6 (5), e19896, 2011
Integrating association data and disease dynamics in a social ungulate: bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo in the Kruger National Park
PC Cross, JO Lloyd-Smith, JA Bowers, CT Hay, M Hofmeyr, WM Getz
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 879-892, 2004
Unraveling the disease consequences and mechanisms of modular structure in animal social networks
P Sah, ST Leu, PC Cross, PJ Hudson, S Bansal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (16), 4165-4170, 2017
Disentangling association patterns in fission–fusion societies using African buffalo as an example
PC Cross, JO Lloyd-Smith, WM Getz
Animal Behaviour 69 (2), 499-506, 2005
Effects of management and climate on elk brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
PC Cross, WH Edwards, BM Scurlock, EJ Maichak, JD Rogerson
Ecological Applications 17 (4), 957-964, 2007
Ecological implications of bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo herds
A Caron, PC Cross, JT Du Toit
Ecological Applications 13 (5), 1338-1345, 2003
Pneumonia in bighorn sheep: Risk and resilience
EF Cassirer, KR Manlove, ES Almberg, PL Kamath, M Cox, P Wolff, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management 82 (1), 32-45, 2018
Probable causes of increasing brucellosis in free‐ranging elk of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
PC Cross, EK Cole, AP Dobson, WH Edwards, KL Hamlin, G Luikart, ...
Ecological Applications 20 (1), 278-288, 2010
Ecological interventions to prevent and manage zoonotic pathogen spillover
SH Sokolow, N Nova, KM Pepin, AJ Peel, JRC Pulliam, K Manlove, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1782), 20180342, 2019
Using logistic regression to analyze the sensitivity of PVA models: a comparison of methods based on African wild dog models
PC Cross, SR Beissinger
Conservation Biology 15 (5), 1335-1346, 2001
Genomics reveals historic and contemporary transmission dynamics of a bacterial disease among wildlife and livestock
PL Kamath, JT Foster, KP Drees, G Luikart, C Quance, NJ Anderson, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11448, 2016
Taming wildlife disease: bridging the gap between science and management
MB Joseph, JR Mihaljevic, AL Arellano, JG Kueneman, DL Preston, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 50 (3), 702-712, 2013
Utility of R0 as a predictor of disease invasion in structured populations
PC Cross, PLF Johnson, JO Lloyd-Smith, WM Getz
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 4 (13), 315-324, 2007
“One health” or three? Publication silos among the one health disciplines
KR Manlove, JG Walker, ME Craft, KP Huyvaert, MB Joseph, RS Miller, ...
PLoS Biology 14 (4), e1002448, 2016
Parasite invasion following host reintroduction: a case study of Yellowstone's wolves
ES Almberg, PC Cross, AP Dobson, DW Smith, PJ Hudson
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
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