Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan
Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan
MINES Paris - PSL university
Верификована је имејл адреса на mines-paristech.fr
Langfristszenarien und Strategien für den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland bei Berücksichtigung der Entwicklung in Europa und global
J Nitsch, T Pregger, T Naegler, D Heide, D Luca de Tena, F Trieb, ...
DLR-TT, 2012
Verification of deterministic solar forecasts
D Yang, S Alessandrini, J Antonanzas, F Antonanzas-Torres, V Badescu, ...
Solar Energy 210, 20-37, 2020
A parametric model for wind turbine power curves incorporating environmental conditions
YM Saint-Drenan, R Besseau, M Jansen, I Staffell, A Troccoli, L Dubus, ...
Renewable Energy 157, 754-768, 2020
Lead–acid batteries in stationary applications: competitors and new markets for large penetration of renewable energies
M Perrin, YM Saint-Drenan, F Mattera, P Malbranche
Journal of Power Sources 144 (2), 402-410, 2005
Quantifying the sensitivity of european power systems to energy scenarios and climate change projections
HC Bloomfield, DJ Brayshaw, A Troccoli, CM Goodess, M De Felice, ...
Renewable Energy 164, 1062-1075, 2021
On the search for representative characteristics of PV systems: Data collection and analysis of PV system azimuth, tilt, capacity, yield and shading
S Killinger, D Lingfors, YM Saint-Drenan, P Moraitis, W van Sark, J Taylor, ...
Solar Energy 173, 1087-1106, 2018
Analysis of the uncertainty in the estimates of regional PV power generation evaluated with the upscaling method
YM Saint-Drenan, GH Good, M Braun, T Freisinger
Solar Energy 135, 536-550, 2016
Critical weather situations for renewable energies–Part B: Low stratus risk for solar power
C Köhler, A Steiner, YM Saint-Drenan, D Ernst, A Bergmann-Dick, ...
Renewable Energy 101, 794-803, 2017
A probabilistic approach to the estimation of regional photovoltaic power production
YM Saint-Drenan, GH Good, M Braun
Solar Energy 147, 257-276, 2017
An empirical approach to parameterizing photovoltaic plants for power forecasting and simulation
YM Saint-Drenan, S Bofinger, R Fritz, S Vogt, GH Good, J Dobschinski
Solar Energy 120, 479-493, 2015
A climate projection dataset tailored for the European energy sector
B Bartók, I Tobin, R Vautard, M Vrac, X Jin, G Levavasseur, S Denvil, ...
Climate services 16, 100138, 2019
Leitstudie 2010
J Nitsch, T Pregger, Y Scholz, T Naegler, M Sterner, N Gerhardt, ...
DLR-Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, 2011
Langfristszenarien und Strategien für den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien in Deutschland
J Nitsch, T Pregger, T Naegler, N Gerhardt, B Wenzel
DLR Stuttgart, Fraunhofer-IWES, kassel, IfnE Teltow, 2012
An approach for the estimation of the aggregated photovoltaic power generated in several European countries from meteorological data
YM Saint-Drenan, L Wald, T Ranchin, L Dubus, A Troccoli
Advances in Science and Research 15, 51-62, 2018
A crowdsourced dataset of aerial images with annotated solar photovoltaic arrays and installation metadata
G Kasmi, YM Saint-Drenan, D Trebosc, R Jolivet, J Leloux, B Sarr, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 59, 2023
How sensitive is a carbon-neutral power sector to climate change? The interplay between hydro, solar and wind for Portugal
P Fortes, SG Simoes, F Amorim, G Siggini, V Sessa, YM Saint-Drenan, ...
Energy 239, 122106, 2022
Erneuerbares Methan
M Sterner, M Specht
Solarzeitalter 1, 2010, 2010
Creating a proof-of-concept climate service to assess future renewable energy mixes in Europe: An overview of the C3S ECEM project
A Troccoli, C Goodess, P Jones, L Penny, S Dorling, C Harpham, L Dubus, ...
Advances in Science and Research 15, 191-205, 2018
Climate proofing the renewable electricity deployment in Europe-Introducing climate variability in large energy systems models
SG Simoes, F Amorim, G Siggini, V Sessa, YM Saint-Drenan, S Carvalho, ...
Energy Strategy Reviews 35, 100657, 2021
Expert quality control of solar radiation ground data sets
A Forstinger, S Wilbert, AR Jensen, B Kraas, CF Peruchena, ...
SWC 2021: ISES Solar World Congress, 1037-1048, 2021
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