Document Selection of process pathways for biorefinery design using optimization tools: A colombian case for conversion of sugarcane bagasse to ethanol, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate …
CA Moncada, J., Matallana, L.G., Cardona
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (11), 4132-4145, 2013
Optimization of the Colombian biodiesel supply chain from oil palm crop based on techno-economical and environmental criteria
LE Rincón, MJ Valencia, V Hernández, LG Matallana, CA Cardona
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Estimation of domains of attraction: A global optimization approach
JA Matallana, L.G., Blanco, A.M., Bandoni
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (3-4), 574-585, 2010
Nonlinear dynamic systems design based on the optimization of the domain of attraction
JA Matallana, L.G., Blanco, A.M., Bandoni
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (5-6), 731-745, 2011
Chemical Composition and Sensory Quality of Coffee Fruits at Different Stages of Maturity
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Residuos urbanos, agrícolas y pecuarios en el contexto de las biorrefinerías
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Revista facultad de ingeniería 28 (53), 7-32, 2019
Intensified synthesis for ethyl lactate production including economic, sustainability and inherent safety criteria
RA Tusso-Pinzón, ArickCastillo-Landero, LG Matallana-Pérez, ...
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Towards a biorefinery processing waste from plantain agro–Industry: Process development for the production of an isomalto–oligosaccharide syrup from rejected unripe plantain fruits
JA Gómez, P Berni, LG Matallana, ÓJ Sánchez, JA Teixeira, C Nobre
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Valorisation of rejected unripe plantain fruits of Musa AAB Simmonds: from nutritional characterisation to the conceptual process design for prebiotic production
CN James A. Gómez, Enrique Pino-Hernández,, Luís Abrunhosa, Luis G ...
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Residuos urbanos, agrícolas y pecuarios en el contexto de las biorrefinerías (Urban, agricultural and livestock waste in the context of biorefineries, in Spanish)
J Gómez, Ó Sánchez, L Matallana
Revista Facultad de Ingeniería 28 (53), 7-32, 2019
Estimation of domains of attraction in epidemiological models with constant removal rates of infected individuals
J Matallana, L.G., Blanco, A.M., Alberto Bandoni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90 (1), 2007
Towards a biorefinery processing waste from plantain agro-industry: process design and techno-economic assessment of single-cell protein, natural fibers, and biomethane …
JA Gómez, LG Matallana, ÓJ Sánchez
Fermentation 8 (11), 582, 2022
Incident factors in facility location: An application in the Colombian biofuel sector
AE Duarte, WA Sarache, LG Matallana
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Transformation of organic acids and sugars in the mucilage and coffee beans during prolonged fermentation
V Osorio, R Medina, JR Acuña, J Pabón, CI Álvarez, LG Matallana, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 123, 105551, 2023
Effect of Prolonged Fermentations of Coffee Mucilage with Different Stages of Maturity on the Quality and Chemical Composition of the Bean
V Osorio Pérez, CI Álvarez-Barreto, LG Matallana, JR Acuña, ...
Fermentation 8 (519), 16, 2022
Eigenvalue optimization techniques for nonlinear dynamic analysis and design
LG Matallana, AM Blanco, JA Bandoni
Optimization in Food Engineering (Contemporary Food Engineering), Taylor and …, 2008
Procesos de transformación: Perspectiva de aprovechamiento para los residuos de la agroindustria del plátano (Processes of transformation: Perspective of use for the residues …
J Gómez, Ó Sánchez, L Matallana
Rev. P+ L 16 (1), 6-30, 2021
Urban, agricultural and livestock residues in the context of biorefineries
JA Gómez-Soto M. Sc, ÓJ Sánchez-Toro Ph. D, LG Matallana-Pérez Ph. D
Revista facultad de ingeniería 28, 7-32, 2019
Medición del equilibrio líquido-vapor del sistema metanol-acetato de metilo a 580 mmHg
CA Cardona, IR Navarro, LG Matallana
Revista Colombiana de Química 35 (1), 19-27, 2006
A framework for the design of sustainable multi-input second-generation biorefineries through process simulation: A case study for the valorization of lignocellulosic and …
ÓJS James A. Gómez, Luis G. Matallana José A. Teixeira
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2023
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