Shimin Liu
Shimin Liu
Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Professor of Mining Engineering, Penn State University
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Gas diffusion behavior of coal and its impact on production from coalbed methane reservoirs
M Pillalamarry, S Harpalani, S Liu
International Journal of Coal Geology 86 (4), 342-348, 2011
Gas diffusion in coal particles: A review of mathematical models and their applications
W Zhao, Y Cheng, Z Pan, K Wang, S Liu
Fuel 252, 77-100, 2019
Pore characterization and its impact on methane adsorption capacity for organic-rich marine shales
Y Wang, Y Zhu, S Liu, R Zhang
Fuel 181, 227-237, 2016
Pore structure characterization of coal by NMR cryoporometry
Y Zhao, Y Sun, S Liu, K Wang, Y Jiang
Fuel 190, 359-369, 2017
Laboratory measurement and modeling of coal permeability with continued methane production: Part 1–Laboratory results
A Mitra, S Harpalani, S Liu
Fuel 94, 110-116, 2012
The impacts of coal dust on miners’ health: a review
T Liu, S Liu
Environmental research 190, 109849, 2020
Changes in the petrophysical properties of coal subjected to liquid nitrogen freeze-thaw–a nuclear magnetic resonance investigation
L Qin, C Zhai, S Liu, J Xu, G Yu, Y Sun
Fuel 194, 102-114, 2017
Three-dimensional modeling and analysis of macro-pore structure of coal using combined X-ray CT imaging and fractal theory
G Wang, J Shen, S Liu, C Jiang, X Qin
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 123, 104082, 2019
Pore structure in coal: pore evolution after cryogenic freezing with cyclic liquid nitrogen injection and its implication on coalbed methane extraction
C Zhai, L Qin, S Liu, J Xu, Z Tang, S Wu
Energy & Fuels 30 (7), 6009-6020, 2016
Pore structure characterization of coal by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy
Y Zhao, S Liu, D Elsworth, Y Jiang, J Zhu
Energy & Fuels 28 (6), 3704-3711, 2014
Permeability prediction of coalbed methane reservoirs during primary depletion
S Liu, S Harpalani
International Journal of Coal Geology 113, 1-10, 2013
A new theoretical approach to model sorption-induced coal shrinkage or swelling
S Liu, S Harpalani
AAPG Bulletin 97 (7), 1033-1049, 2013
The temperature effect on the methane and CO2 adsorption capacities of Illinois coal
C Guan, S Liu, C Li, Y Wang, Y Zhao
Fuel 211, 241-250, 2018
Laboratory measurement and modeling of coal permeability with continued methane production: Part 2–Modeling results
S Liu, S Harpalani, M Pillalamarry
Fuel 94, 117-124, 2012
Pore structure characterization of coal by synchrotron radiation nano-CT
Y Zhao, Y Sun, S Liu, Z Chen, L Yuan
Fuel 215, 102-110, 2018
A simplified permeability model for coalbed methane reservoirs based on matchstick strain and constant volume theory
Q Ma, S Harpalani, S Liu
International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (1), 43-48, 2011
Methane adsorption measurements and modeling for organic-rich marine shale samples
Y Wang, Y Zhu, S Liu, R Zhang
Fuel 172, 301-309, 2016
Fractal dimensions of low rank coal subjected to liquid nitrogen freeze-thaw based on nuclear magnetic resonance applied for coalbed methane recovery
L Qin, C Zhai, S Liu, J Xu, S Wu, R Dong
Powder Technology 325, 11-20, 2018
CO2 gas fracturing: A novel reservoir stimulation technology in low permeability gassy coal seams
Y Cao, J Zhang, H Zhai, G Fu, L Tian, S Liu
Fuel 203, 197-207, 2017
Estimation and modeling of pressure-dependent gas diffusion coefficient for coal: A fractal theory-based approach
Y Yang, S Liu
Fuel 253, 588-606, 2019
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