Claudia Männel
Claudia Männel
Professor, Audiology and Phoniatrics, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin; MPI-CBS Leipzig, Germany
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Auditory perception at the root of language learning
JL Mueller, AD Friederici, C Männel
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (39), 15953-15958, 2012
Pauses and intonational phrasing: ERP studies in 5-month-old German infants and adults
C Männel, AD Friederici
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (10), 1988-2006, 2009
The role of pause as a prosodic boundary marker: Language ERP studies in German 3-and 6-year-olds
C Männel, CS Schipke, AD Friederici
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 5, 86-94, 2013
Intonational phrase structure processing at different stages of syntax acquisition: ERP studies in 2‐, 3‐, and 6‐year‐old children
C Männel, AD Friederici
Developmental science 14 (4), 786-798, 2011
Natural infant-directed speech facilitates neural tracking of prosody
KH Menn, C Michel, L Meyer, S Hoehl, C Männel
NeuroImage 251, 118991, 2022
Evolutionary origins of non-adjacent sequence processing in primate brain potentials
AE Milne, JL Mueller, C Männel, A Attaheri, AD Friederici, CI Petkov
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 36259, 2016
Accentuate or repeat? Brain signatures of developmental periods in infant word recognition
C Männel, AD Friederici
Cortex 49 (10), 2788-2798, 2013
Present and past: Can writing abilities in school children be associated with their auditory discrimination capacities in infancy?
G Schaadt, C Männel, E van der Meer, A Pannekamp, R Oberecker, ...
Research in developmental disabilities 47, 318-333, 2015
Working-memory endophenotype and dyslexia-associated genetic variant predict dyslexia phenotype
C Männel, L Meyer, A Wilcke, J Boltze, H Kirsten, AD Friederici
Cortex 71, 291-305, 2015
Characterizing the morphosyntactic processing deficit and its relationship to phonology in developmental dyslexia
C Cantiani, ML Lorusso, MT Guasti, B Sabisch, C Männel
Neuropsychologia 51 (8), 1595-1607, 2013
Phonological abilities in literacy-impaired children: Brain potentials reveal deficient phoneme discrimination, but intact prosodic processing
C Männel, G Schaadt, FK Illner, E van der Meer, AD Friederici
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 23, 14-25, 2017
Hierarchical syntactic processing is beyond mere associating: Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence from a novel artificial grammar
L Chen, T Goucha, C Männel, AD Friederici, E Zaccarella
Human Brain Mapping 42 (10), 3253-3268, 2021
Event-related brain potentials as a window to children's language processing: From syllables to sentences
C Männel, AD Friederici
Developmental psycholinguistics: On-line methods in children’s language …, 2008
The method of event-related brain potentials in the study of cognitive processes: A tutorial
C Männel
Early language development: Bridging brain and behaviour, 1-22, 2008
Neural correlates of prosodic boundary perception in German preschoolers: If pause is present, pitch can go
C Männel, AD Friederici
Brain research 1632, 27-33, 2016
Hypermyelination of the left auditory cortex in developmental dyslexia
MA Skeide, PL Bazin, R Trampel, A Schäfer, C Männel, K von Kriegstein, ...
Neurology 90 (6), e492-e497, 2018
Delphi-Studie zur Definition und Terminologie von Sprachentwicklungsstörungen–eine interdisziplinäre Neubestimmung für den deutschsprachigen Raum
C Kauschke, C Lüke, A Dohmen, A Haid, C Leitinger, C Männel, F Penzel, ...
Logos: Die Fachzeitschrift für Logopädie und Sprachtherapie 31 (2), 84-102, 2023
Artificial grammar learning and its neurobiology in relation to language processing and development
J Uddén, C Männel
Linguistic and non-linguistic non-adjacent dependency learning in early development
A van der Kant, C Männel, M Paul, AD Friederici, B Höhle, I Wartenburger
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 45, 100819, 2020
Infants’ vocalizations at 6 months predict their productive vocabulary at one year
A Werwach, D Mürbe, G Schaadt, C Männel
Infant Behavior and Development 64, 101588, 2021
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