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Emergent SU (4) Kondo physics in a spin–charge-entangled double quantum dot
AJ Keller, S Amasha, I Weymann, CP Moca, IG Rau, JA Katine, ...
Nature Physics 10 (2), 145-150, 2014
Овлашћења: European Commission
Kondo cloud in a superconductor
CP Moca, I Weymann, MA Werner, G Zaránd
Physical Review Letters 127 (18), 186804, 2021
Овлашћења: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, National Office for Research …
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Color superfluidity and “baryon” formation in ultracold fermions
A Rapp, G Zaránd, C Honerkamp, W Hofstetter
Physical review letters 98 (16), 160405, 2007
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Bilayer Wigner crystals in a transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructure
Y Zhou, J Sung, E Brutschea, I Esterlis, Y Wang, G Scuri, RJ Gelly, H Heo, ...
Nature 595 (7865), 48-52, 2021
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Imaging the electronic Wigner crystal in one dimension
I Shapir, A Hamo, S Pecker, CP Moca, Ö Legeza, G Zarand, S Ilani
Science 364 (6443), 870-875, 2019
Овлашћења: European Commission, National Office for Research, Development and …
Quantum criticality in a double-quantum-dot system
G Zaránd, CH Chung, P Simon, M Vojta
Physical review letters 97 (16), 166802, 2006
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Universal Fermi liquid crossover and quantum criticality in a mesoscopic system
AJ Keller, L Peeters, CP Moca, I Weymann, D Mahalu, V Umansky, ...
Nature 526 (7572), 237-240, 2015
Овлашћења: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, European Commission
Trionic phase of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice: A variational study
A Rapp, W Hofstetter, G Zaránd
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (14), 144520, 2008
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Loschmidt Echo and the Many-Body Orthogonality Catastrophe<? format?> in a Qubit-Coupled Luttinger Liquid
B Dóra, F Pollmann, J Fortágh, G Zaránd
Physical Review Letters 111 (4), 046402, 2013
Овлашћења: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Crossover from adiabatic to sudden interaction quench in a Luttinger liquid
B Dóra, M Haque, G Zaránd
Physical Review Letters 106 (15), 156406, 2011
Овлашћења: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Magnetic noise spectroscopy as a probe of local electronic correlations in two-dimensional systems
K Agarwal, R Schmidt, B Halperin, V Oganesyan, G Zaránd, MD Lukin, ...
Physical Review B 95 (15), 155107, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, Gordon and Betty …
Scattering theory of adiabatic reaction forces due to out-of-equilibrium quantum environments
M Thomas, T Karzig, SV Kusminskiy, G Zaránd, F Von Oppen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (19), 195419, 2012
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Measurement of quantum noise in a carbon nanotube quantum dot in the kondo regime
J Basset, AY Kasumov, CP Moca, G Zaránd, P Simon, H Bouchiat, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (4), 046802, 2012
Овлашћења: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Hybrid semiclassical theory of quantum quenches in one-dimensional systems
CP Moca, M Kormos, G Zaránd
Physical Review Letters 119 (10), 100603, 2017
Овлашћења: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon model: A semiclassical approach
M Kormos, G Zaránd
Physical Review E 93 (6), 062101, 2016
Овлашћења: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Theory of inelastic scattering from quantum impurities
L Borda, L Fritz, N Andrei, G Zaránd
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (23), 235112, 2007
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Generalized Gibbs ensemble and work statistics of a quenched Luttinger liquid
B Dóra, Á Bácsi, G Zaránd
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (16), 161109, 2012
Овлашћења: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, Science Foundation Ireland
Exploring the anisotropic Kondo model in and out of equilibrium with alkaline-earth atoms
M Kanász-Nagy, Y Ashida, T Shi, CP Moca, TN Ikeda, S Fölling, JI Cirac, ...
Physical Review B 97 (15), 155156, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, European …
Fermi-liquid theory for the single-impurity Anderson model
C Mora, CP Moca, J von Delft, G Zaránd
Physical Review B 92 (7), 075120, 2015
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Two-stage Kondo effect in side-coupled quantum dots: Renormalized perturbative scaling theory and numerical renormalization group analysis
CH Chung, G Zarand, P Wölfle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (3), 035120, 2008
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
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