Wang Wenke
Wang Wenke
Верификована је имејл адреса на chd.edu.cn
Nutrient and organics removal from swine slurry with simultaneous electricity generation in an alum sludge-based constructed wetland incorporating microbial fuel cell technology
L Doherty, Y Zhao, X Zhao, W Wang
Chemical Engineering Journal 266, 74-81, 2015
Characteristics of bacterial and fungal aerosols during the autumn haze days in Xi'an, China
Y Li, H Fu, W Wang, J Liu, Q Meng, W Wang
Atmospheric Environment 122, 439-447, 2015
The effects of electrode spacing and flow direction on the performance of microbial fuel cell-constructed wetland
L Doherty, X Zhao, Y Zhao, W Wang
Ecological Engineering 79, 8-14, 2015
Characteristics of total airborne microbes at various air quality levels
Z Xie, Y Li, R Lu, W Li, C Fan, P Liu, J Wang, W Wang
Journal of Aerosol Science 116, 57-65, 2018
《 生态脆弱区煤炭开发与生态水位保护》
王双明, 黄庆享, 范立民, 王文科
中国煤炭地质 23 (2), 31-31, 2011
The role of climate change and vegetation greening on evapotranspiration variation in the Yellow River Basin, China
F Zhao, S Ma, Y Wu, L Qiu, W Wang, Y Lian, J Chen, B Sivakumar
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 316, 108842, 2022
Occurrence and distribution of antibiotics in groundwater, surface water, and sediment in Xiong'an New Area, China, and their relationship with antibiotic resistance genes
C Fu, B Xu, H Chen, X Zhao, G Li, Y Zheng, W Qiu, C Zheng, L Duan, ...
Science of the Total Environment 807, 151011, 2022
杨泽元, 王文科, 黄金廷, 段磊
西北农林科技大学学报: 自然科学版 34 (8), 67-74, 2006
Growth under elevated air temperature alters secondary metabolites in Robinia pseudoacacia L. seedlings in Cd-and Pb-contaminated soils
YH Zhao, X Jia, WK Wang, T Liu, SP Huang, MY Yang
Science of the Total Environment 565, 586-594, 2016
曹剑峰, 迟宝明, 王文科
北京: 科学出版社, 2006
Response of the groundwater system in the Guanzhong Basin (central China) to climate change and human activities
W Wang, Z Zhang, L Duan, Z Wang, Y Zhao, Q Zhang, M Dai, H Liu, ...
Hydrogeology journal 26 (5), 1429-1441, 2018
An ecology-oriented exploitation mode of groundwater resources in the northern Tianshan Mountains, China
H Shang, W Wang, Z Dai, L Duan, Y Zhao, J Zhang
Journal of Hydrology 543, 386-394, 2016
Incorporating geologic information into hydraulic tomography: A general framework based on geostatistical approach
Y Zha, TCJ Yeh, WA Illman, H Onoe, CMW Mok, JC Wen, SY Huang, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (4), 2850-2876, 2017
Estimation of groundwater evaportranspiration using diurnal water table fluctuations in the Mu Us Desert, northern China
D Cheng, Y Li, X Chen, W Wang, G Hou, C Wang
Journal of Hydrology 490, 106-113, 2013
Evolution of stream-aquifer hydrologic connectedness during pumping–experiment
W Wang, J Li, X Feng, X Chen, K Yao
Journal of Hydrology 402 (3-4), 401-414, 2011
Spatial variability of specific yield and vertical hydraulic conductivity in a highly permeable alluvial aquifer
X Chen, J Song, W Wang
Journal of Hydrology 388 (3-4), 379-388, 2010
Concentrations of secondary metabolites in tissues and root exudates of wheat seedlings changed under elevated atmospheric CO2 and cadmium-contaminated soils
X Jia, W Wang, Z Chen, Y He, J Liu
Environmental and experimental botany 107, 134-143, 2014
马雄德, 王文科, 范立民, 杨泽元, 朱蕾
中国煤炭地质, 32-36, 2010
An application of hydraulic tomography to a deep coal mine: combining traditional pumping tests with water inrush incidents
D Mao, Z Liu, W Wang, S Li, Y Gao, Z Xu, C Zhang
Journal of Hydrology 567, 1-11, 2018
Finite analytic method based on mixed-form Richards’ equation for simulating water flow in vadose zone
Z Zhang, W Wang, TJ Yeh, L Chen, Z Wang, L Duan, K An, C Gong
Journal of Hydrology 537, 146-156, 2016
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