Drought and frost contribute to abrupt growth decreases before tree mortality in nine temperate tree species M Vanoni, H Bugmann, M Nötzli, C Bigler Forest Ecology and Management 382, 51-63, 2016 | 110 | 2016 |
Quantifying the effects of drought on abrupt growth decreases of major tree species in Switzerland M Vanoni, H Bugmann, M Nötzli, C Bigler Ecology and evolution 6 (11), 3555-3570, 2016 | 57 | 2016 |
How do tree mortality models from combined tree-ring and inventory data affect projections of forest succession? M Vanoni, M Cailleret, L Hülsmann, H Bugmann, C Bigler Forest Ecology and Management 433, 606-617, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
Scatter-hoarding birds disperse seeds to sites unfavorable for plant regeneration MC Sorensen, T Mueller, I Donoso, V Graf, D Merges, M Vanoni, ... Movement Ecology 10 (1), 38, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Quantifying the effects of drought on abrupt growth decreases of major tree species in Switzerland, Ecol. Evol., 6, 3555–3570 M Vanoni, H Bugmann, M Nötzli, C Bigler | 5 | 2016 |
Klimatische Einflüsse auf die Wachstumsvariabilität von Weisstanne und Fichte entlang des Weisstannen-Ausbreitungsgradienten M Vanoni ETH Zürich, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Monetäre bewertung von wildschäden im schutzwald–fazit aus sechs fallbeispielen N Zürcher-Gasser, C Moos, M Frehner, M Schwarz, M Vanoni Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen 174 (5), 280-287, 2023 | 2 | 2023 |
Neue Waldstandort-Hinweiskarte Graubündens zur Ermittlung sensitiver Standorte und Bestände B Huber, A Zischg, M Frehner, G Könz, HU Frey, M Vanoni Schweiz Z Forstwes 172 (3), 186-189s1, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Monetary valuation of game damage in protection forests-six case studies. N Zurcher-Gasser, C Moos, M Schwarz, M Frehner, M Vanoni | | 2023 |
Walddynamik verstehen, um den Waldbau anpassen zu können A Carella, F Krumm, J Hassler, E Netzer, M Vanoni, A Rigling Bündner Wald 76, 26-29, 2023 | | 2023 |
Additional file 1 of Scatter-hoarding birds disperse seeds to sites unfavorable for plant regeneration [Dataset] MC Sorensen, T Mueller, I Donoso, V Graf, D Merges, M Vanoni, ... Figshare, 2022 | | 2022 |
Sensitive Standorte und Bestände in Graubünden B Huber, A Zischg, M Frehner, M Vanoni Bündner Wald, 34-36, 2020 | | 2020 |
The beetle fauna of the chestnut trees of the Mont Grand: valuable diversity in ancient trees. R Wild, B Huber, L Plozza, M Vanoni, M Moretti | | 2019 |
Forest dynamics in Swiss forest reserves: Impact of climate extremes on tree growth prior to mortality and projections of forest succession M Vanoni ETH Zurich, 2018 | | 2018 |
Die Käferfauna der Kastanienselven des Mont Grand: wertvolle Vielfalt dank uralten Bäumen R Wild, B Huber, L Plozza, M Vanoni, M Moretti | | |