Michel Bornert
Michel Bornert
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Laboratoire Navier
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Assessment of digital image correlation measurement errors: methodology and results
M Bornert, F Brémand, P Doumalin, JC Dupré, M Fazzini, M Grédiac, ...
Experimental mechanics 49, 353-370, 2009
Discrete and continuum analysis of localised deformation in sand using X-ray μCT and volumetric digital image correlation
SA Hall, M Bornert, J Desrues, Y Pannier, N Lenoir, G Viggiani, ...
Géotechnique 60 (5), 315-322, 2010
Homogénéisation en mécanique des matériaux, Tome 1: matériaux aléatoires élastiques et milieux périodiques (Traité MIM, série Alliages Métalliques)
M Bornert, T Bretheau, P Gilormini
Hermes Science, Paris, 252 pages, 2001
Volumetric digital image correlation applied to X‐ray microtomography images from triaxial compression tests on argillaceous rock
N Lenoir, M Bornert, J Desrues, P Bésuelle, G Viggiani
Strain 43 (3), 193-205, 2007
An affine formulation for the prediction of the effective properties of nonlinear composites and polycrystals
R Masson, M Bornert, P Suquet, A Zaoui
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 48 (6-7), 1203-1227, 2000
A phase-field method for computational modeling of interfacial damage interacting with crack propagation in realistic microstructures obtained by microtomography
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, QZ Zhu, M Bornert, C Chateau
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 312, 567-595, 2016
Experimental characterization of the local strain field in a heterogeneous elastoplastic material
L Allais, M Bornert, T Bretheau, D Caldemaison
Acta Metallurgica et materialia 42 (11), 3865-3880, 1994
A phase field method to simulate crack nucleation and propagation in strongly heterogeneous materials from direct imaging of their microstructure
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, QZ Zhu, M Bornert, C Chateau
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 139, 18-39, 2015
Coupling between experimental measurements and polycrystal finite element calculations for micromechanical study of metallic materials
E Heripre, M Dexet, J Crepin, L Gélébart, A Roos, M Bornert, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 23 (9), 1512-1539, 2007
On the choice of parameters in the phase field method for simulating crack initiation with experimental validation
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, M Bornert, C Chateau, K Sab, R Romani, ...
International Journal of Fracture 197, 213-226, 2016
Multiscale full‐field strain measurements for micromechanical investigations of the hydromechanical behaviour of clayey rocks
M Bornert, F Valès, H Gharbi, D Nguyen Minh
Strain 46 (1), 33-46, 2010
Morphologically representative pattern-based bounding in elasticity
M Bornert, C Stolz, A Zaoui
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 44 (3), 307-331, 1996
Initiation and propagation of complex 3D networks of cracks in heterogeneous quasi-brittle materials: Direct comparison between in situ testing-microCT experiments and phase …
TT Nguyen, J Yvonnet, M Bornert, C Chateau
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95, 320-350, 2016
Localized deformation induced by heterogeneities in porous carbonate analysed by multi-scale digital image correlation
J Dautriat, M Bornert, N Gland, A Dimanov, J Raphanel
Tectonophysics 503 (1-2), 100-116, 2011
In situ X-ray microtomography characterization of damage in SiCf/SiC minicomposites
C Chateau, L Gélébart, M Bornert, J Crépin, E Boller, C Sauder, W Ludwig
Composites Science and Technology 71 (6), 916-924, 2011
In situ X-ray tomography observation of inhomogeneous deformation in semi-solid aluminium alloys
S Terzi, L Salvo, M Suéry, N Limodin, J Adrien, E Maire, Y Pannier, ...
Scripta Materialia 61 (5), 449-452, 2009
Effect of a nonuniform distribution of voids on the plastic response of voided materials: a computational and statistical analysis
N Bilger, F Auslender, M Bornert, JC Michel, H Moulinec, P Suquet, ...
International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (2), 517-538, 2005
Mesure tridimensionnelle de champs cinématiques par imagerie volumique pour l'analyse des matériaux et des structures
M Bornert, JM Chaix, P Doumalin, JC Dupré, T Fournel, D Jeulin, É Maire, ...
Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie 3 (3-4), 43-88, 2004
Assessment of digital image correlation measurement accuracy in the ultimate error regime: main results of a collaborative benchmark
F Amiot, M Bornert, P Doumalin, JC Dupré, M Fazzini, JJ Orteu, C Poilâne, ...
Strain 49 (6), 483-496, 2013
Modeling of damage in unidirectional ceramic matrix composites and multi-scale experimental validation on third generation SiC/SiC minicomposites
C Chateau, L Gélébart, M Bornert, J Crépin, D Caldemaison, C Sauder
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 63, 298-319, 2014
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