Raül Golo
Raül Golo
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Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species
S Katsanevakis, E Kytinou, M Ragkousis, M Sini, K Tsirintanis, ...
Local‐scale climatic refugia offer sanctuary for a habitat‐forming species during a marine heatwave
J Verdura, J Santamaría, E Ballesteros, D Smale, ME Cefalì, R Golo, ...
Journal of Ecology, 2021
Marine biomonitoring with eDNA: Can metabarcoding of water samples cut it as a tool for surveying benthic communities?
A Antich, C Palacín, E Cebrian, R Golo, OS Wangensteen, X Turon
Molecular Ecology 30 (13), 3175-3188, 2021
Implications of taxonomic misidentification for future invasion predictions: Evidence from one of the most harmful invasive marine algae
R Golo, A Vergés, P Díaz-Tapia, E Cebrian
Marine Pollution Bulletin 191, 114970, 2023
Learning takes time: Biotic resistance by native herbivores increases through the invasion process
J Santamaría, R Golo, J Verdura, F Tomas, E Ballesteros, T Alcoverro, ...
Ecology Letters 25 (11), 2525-2539, 2022
Addressing marine restoration success: evidence of species and functional diversity recovery in a ten-year restored macroalgal forest
C Galobart, E Ballesteros, R Golo, E Cebrian
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1176655, 2023
Stressful Conditions Give Rise to a Novel and Cryptic Filamentous Form of Caulerpa cylindracea
J Santamaría, R Golo, E Cebrian, M García, A Vergés
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 548679, 2021
Phylogenetic analysis of invasive genus Lophocladia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) reveals synonymy of L. lallemandii with L. trichoclados and first record of L. kuetzingii in the …
R Golo, E Cebrian, P Díaz-Tapia, P Lucic, R Hoffman, A Vergés
European journal of phycology 59 (1), 112-126, 2024
Siphonophores distribution in Mediterranean Sea across biotic and abiotic gradients and the influence of these factors on their reproduction stage
R Golo, A Damián, A Canepa, P Ziveri, V Fuentes
CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), 2016
Pyrosoma atlanticum in the Mediterranean Sea: abundance and spatial distribution from extensive planktonic and benthic surveys
E Guerrero, A Mecho, R Golo, V Raya, M Pascual Torner, V Fuentes, ...
CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), 2016
Vulnerability of benthic trait diversity across the Mediterranean Sea following mass mortality events
J Carlot, C Galobart, D Gómez-Gras, J Santamaría, R Golo, M Sini, ...
Nature Communications 16 (1), 1571, 2025
The role of species thermal plasticity for alien species invasibility in a changing climate: A case study of Lophocladia trichoclados
R Golo, J Santamaría, A Vergés, E Cebrian
Marine Environmental Research 200, 106642, 2024
Species trait impairment in the Mediterranean Sea following mortality events
J Carlot, C Galobart, D Gomez-Gras, J Santamaria, R Golo, M Sini, ...
Bridging knowledge gaps between tropical, temperate, and cold-water coral …, 2024
Tot el què hem après durant 20 anys d’estudi de les macroalgues marines sinvasores a Balears
E Cebrian, E Ballesteros, J Santamaría, J Verdura, R Golo, ME Cefalì, ...
Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears, 2022
Effects of ocean acidification and increased temperature on the development and statoliths formation of Pelagia noctiluca ephyrae
E Barriuso, R Golo, M Gentile, A Olariaga, P Ziveri, V Fuentes
CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), 2016
Aurelia spp. Ecology in the Mediterranean Sea
D Bonnet, JC Molinero, M Batistic, F Boero, N Daly, A Deidun, V Fuentes, ...
Cnidarian zooplankton distribution across geographical, vertical, biotic and abiotic gradients in the mediterranean sea
R Golo, A Damian, V Fuentes, U Tilves, M Acevedo, A Canepa, P Ziveri
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