Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Govindasamy BalaСазнајте више
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Vulnerability of forests in India: a national scale assessment
J Sharma, S Upgupta, M Jayaraman, RK Chaturvedi, G Bala, ...
Environmental management 60, 544-553, 2017
Овлашћења: Research Council of Norway
Potential roles of CO2 fertilization, nitrogen deposition, climate change, and land use and land cover change on the global terrestrial carbon uptake in the twenty …
T Tharammal, G Bala, D Narayanappa, R Nemani
Climate Dynamics 52, 4393-4406, 2019
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
Sensitivity of tropical monsoon precipitation to the latitude of stratospheric aerosol injections
KS Krishnamohan, G Bala
Climate Dynamics 59 (1), 151-168, 2022
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
Climate science.
G Bala, J Srinivasan
Current Science (00113891) 109 (5), 2015
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
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China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management
C Chen, T Park, X Wang, S Piao, B Xu, RK Chaturvedi, R Fuchs, ...
Nature sustainability 2 (2), 122-129, 2019
Овлашћења: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, European Commission …
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries
K Richardson, W Steffen, W Lucht, J Bendtsen, SE Cornell, JF Donges, ...
Science advances 9 (37), eadh2458, 2023
Овлашћења: Volkswagen Foundation, European Commission, Federal Ministry of Education …
Safe and just Earth system boundaries
J Rockström, J Gupta, D Qin, SJ Lade, JF Abrams, LS Andersen, ...
Nature 619 (7968), 102-111, 2023
Овлашћења: Hewlett Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Australian Research …
Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information
JY Lee, J Marotzke, G Bala, L Cao, S Corti, JP Dunne, F Engelbrecht, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Овлашћења: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Effects of large-scale deforestation on precipitation in the monsoon regions: Remote versus local effects
N Devaraju, G Bala, A Modak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (11), 3257-3262, 2015
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
Glacial mass balance changes in the Karakoram and Himalaya based on CMIP5 multi-model climate projections
RK Chaturvedi, A Kulkarni, Y Karyakarte, J Joshi, G Bala
Climatic Change 123, 315-328, 2014
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
An estimate of glacier mass balance for the Chandra basin, western Himalaya, for the period 1984–2012
SA Tawde, AV Kulkarni, G Bala
Annals of Glaciology 58 (75pt2), 99-109, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Modeling of solar radiation management: a comparison of simulations using reduced solar constant and stratospheric sulphate aerosols
S Kalidindi, G Bala, A Modak, K Caldeira
Climate Dynamics 44, 2909-2925, 2015
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
A review of the major drivers of the terrestrial carbon uptake: model-based assessments, consensus, and uncertainties
T Tharammal, G Bala, N Devaraju, R Nemani
Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 093005, 2019
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
Impact of deep convection on the isotopic amount effect in tropical precipitation
T Tharammal, G Bala, D Noone
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (3), 1505-1523, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, Department of Science & Technology, India
Estimation of glacier mass balance on a basin scale: an approach based on satellite-derived snowlines and a temperature index model
SA Tawde, AV Kulkarni, G Bala
Current Science, 1977-1989, 2016
Овлашћења: US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Effects of Arctic geoengineering on precipitation in the tropical monsoon regions
A Nalam, G Bala, A Modak
Climate Dynamics 50, 3375-3395, 2018
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
Climate system response to stratospheric sulfate aerosols: sensitivity to altitude of aerosol layer
KPSP Krishnamohan, G Bala, L Cao, L Duan, K Caldeira
Earth System Dynamics 10 (4), 885-900, 2019
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
Simultaneous stabilization of global temperature and precipitation through cocktail geoengineering
L Cao, L Duan, G Bala, K Caldeira
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (14), 7429-7437, 2017
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Assessing “inherent vulnerability” of forests: a methodological approach and a case study from Western Ghats, India
J Sharma, RK Chaturvedi, G Bala, NH Ravindranath
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 20, 573-590, 2015
Овлашћења: Research Council of Norway
Does shortwave absorption by methane influence its effectiveness?
A Modak, G Bala, K Caldeira, L Cao
Climate Dynamics 51, 3653-3672, 2018
Овлашћења: Department of Science & Technology, India
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