Copper systematics in arc magmas and implications for crust-mantle differentiation CTA Lee, P Luffi, EJ Chin, R Bouchet, R Dasgupta, DM Morton, V Le Roux, ... Science 336 (6077), 64-68, 2012 | 604 | 2012 |
High silica granites: Terminal porosity and crystal settling in shallow magma chambers CTA Lee, DM Morton Earth and Planetary Science Letters 409, 23-31, 2015 | 392 | 2015 |
Petrology and tectonics of Phanerozoic continent formation: From island arcs to accretion and continental arc magmatism CTA Lee, DM Morton, RW Kistler, AK Baird Earth and Planetary Science Letters 263 (3-4), 370-387, 2007 | 351 | 2007 |
Paleogeographic evolution of the San Andreas fault in southern California: A reconstruction based on a new cross-fault correlation JC Matti, DM Morton | 221 | 1993 |
Metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the northern Peninsular Ranges batholith, southern California VR Todd, BG Erskine, DM Morton, WG Ernst Metamorphism and crustal evolution of the western United States, Rubey 7 …, 1988 | 179 | 1988 |
Distribution and geologic relations of fault systems in the vicinity of the central Transverse Ranges, southern California JC Matti, DM Morton, BF Cox Open-file Report, 1985 | 152 | 1985 |
Extension and contraction within an evolving divergent strike-slip fault complex: The San Andreas and San Jacinto fault zones at their convergence in southern California DM Morton, JC Matti | 141 | 1993 |
14. The Geology of Oman DM Morton World Petroleum Congress, WPC-8014, 1959 | 141 | 1959 |
The Mg isotopic systematics of granitoids in continental arcs and implications for the role of chemical weathering in crust formation B Shen, B Jacobsen, CTA Lee, QZ Yin, DM Morton Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (49), 20652-20657, 2009 | 138 | 2009 |
Surface faulting in the central Imperial Valley RV Sharp, JJ Lienkaemper, MG Bonilla, DB Burke, BF Fox, DG Herd, ... The Imperial Valley, California, Earthquake of October 15 (1979), 119-143, 1982 | 130 | 1982 |
Surface faulting along the Superstition Hills fault zone and nearby faults associated with the earthquakes of 24 November 1987 RV Sharp, KE Budding, J Boatwright, MJ Ader, MG Bonilla, MM Clark, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 79 (2), 252-281, 1989 | 113 | 1989 |
Potassium-argon geochronology of the eastern Transverse Ranges and southern Mojave Desert, southern California FK Miller, DM Morton Professional Paper, 1980 | 103 | 1980 |
Geologic map of the San Bernardino and Santa Ana 30ʹ X 60ʹ Quadrangles, California DM Morton, FK Miller, PM Cossette, KR Bovard US Geological Survey, 2006 | 98 | 2006 |
Field and model constraints on silicic melt segregation by compaction/hindered settling: The role of water and its effect on latent heat release CTA Lee, DLAM MorTon, MJ FArner, P MoiTrA American Mineralogist 100 (8-9), 1762-1777, 2015 | 94 | 2015 |
Spring mudflows at Wrightwood, southern California DM Morton, RH Campbell Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 7 (4), 377-384, 1974 | 92 | 1974 |
Spatial and temporal deformation along the northern San Jacinto fault, southern California: Implications for slip rates KJ Kendrick, DM Morton, SG Wells, RW Simpson Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (7), 2782-2802, 2002 | 88 | 2002 |
The San Andreas fault system in the vicinity of the central Transverse Ranges province, southern California JC Matti, DM Morton, BF Cox US Geological Survey 92 (354), 1992 | 87 | 1992 |
The Cucamonga fault zone: Geologic setting and Quaternary history DM Morton, JC Matti, RF Yerkes Recent reverse faulting in the Transverse Ranges, California: US Geological …, 1987 | 77 | 1987 |
Regulating continent growth and composition by chemical weathering CTA Lee, DM Morton, MG Little, R Kistler, UN Horodyskyj, WP Leeman, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (13), 4981-4986, 2008 | 66 | 2008 |
Geophysical and isotopic mapping of preexisting crustal structures that influenced the location and development of the San Jacinto fault zone, southern California VE Langenheim, RC Jachens, DM Morton, RW Kistler, JC Matti Geological Society of America Bulletin 116 (9-10), 1143-1157, 2004 | 63 | 2004 |