Barney Dalgarno
Barney Dalgarno
Верификована је имејл адреса на canberra.edu.au
What are the learning affordances of 3‐D virtual environments?
B Dalgarno, MJW Lee
British journal of educational technology 41 (1), 10-32, 2010
Design and implementation factors in blended synchronous learning environments: Outcomes from a cross-case analysis
M Bower, B Dalgarno, GE Kennedy, MJW Lee, J Kenney
Computers & Education 86, 1-17, 2015
Digital divides? Student and staff perceptions of information and communication technologies
J Waycott, S Bennett, G Kennedy, B Dalgarno, K Gray
Computers & education 54 (4), 1202-1211, 2010
Implementing Web 2.0 technologies in higher education: A collective case study
S Bennett, A Bishop, B Dalgarno, J Waycott, G Kennedy
Computers & education 59 (2), 524-534, 2012
Beyond natives and immigrants: exploring types of net generation students
G Kennedy, T Judd, B Dalgarno, J Waycott
Journal of computer assisted learning 26 (5), 332-343, 2010
The net generation are not big users of Web 2.0 technologies: Preliminary findings
G Kennedy, B Dalgarno, K Gray, T Judd, J Waycott, S Bennett, K Maton, ...
Swinburne, 2007
Effectiveness of a virtual laboratory as a preparatory resource for distance education chemistry students
B Dalgarno, AG Bishop, W Adlong, DR Bedgood Jr
Computers & Education 53 (3), 853-865, 2009
Interpretations of constructivism and consequences for computer assisted learning
B Dalgarno
British Journal of Educational Technology 32 (2), 183-194, 2001
Collaborative learning across physical and virtual worlds: Factors supporting and constraining learners in a blended reality environment
M Bower, MJW Lee, B Dalgarno
British Journal of Educational Technology 48 (2), 407-430, 2017
Immigrants and natives: Investigating differences between staff and students' use of technology
G Kennedy, B Dalgarno, S Bennett, T Judd, K Gray, R Chang
Annual conference of the Australasian society for computers in learning in …, 2008
Educating the Net Generation: A Handbook of findings for Practice and Policy.
G Kennedy, B Dalgarno, S Bennett, K Gray, J Waycott, T Judd, A Bishop, ...
University of Melbourne Press, 2009
The contribution of 3D environments to conceptual understanding
B Dalgarno, J Hedberg, B Harper
Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in …, 2002
The potential of 3D virtual learning environments: A constructivist analysis
B Dalgarno
Electronic Journal of Instructional Science and Technology 5 (2), 3-6, 2002
Questioning the net generation: A collaborative project in Australian higher education
G Kennedy, K Krause, K Gray, T Judd, S Bennett, K Maton, B Dalgarno, ...
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education …, 2006
The interactive whiteboard: A transitional technology supporting diverse teaching practices
A Winzenried, B Dalgarno, J Tinkler
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 26 (4), 2010
Influences on pre-service teachers' preparedness to use ICTs in the classroom
L Gill, B Dalgarno
Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education …, 2008
A qualitative analysis of pre-service primary school teachers’ TPACK development over the four years of their teacher preparation programme
L Gill, B Dalgarno
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 26 (4), 439-456, 2017
Constructivist computer assisted learning: Theory and techniques
B Dalgarno
Proceedings of the ASCILITE96 conference, 127-148, 1996
How does pre-service teacher preparedness to use ICTs for learning and teaching develop through their degree program?
L Gill, B Dalgarno, L Carlson
Australian Journal of Teacher Education (Online) 40 (1), 36-59, 2015
An Australian and New Zealand scoping study on the use of 3D immersive virtual worlds in higher education
B Dalgarno, MJW Lee, L Carlson, S Gregory, B Tynan
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 27 (1), 2011
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