Beth Okamura
Beth Okamura
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Dispersal in freshwater invertebrates
DT Bilton, JR Freeland, B Okamura
Annual review of ecology and systematics 32 (1), 159-181, 2001
The Monopolization Hypothesis and the dispersal–gene flow paradox in aquatic organisms
L De Meester, A Gómez, B Okamura, K Schwenk
Acta oecologica 23 (3), 121-135, 2002
Natural history collections as sources of long-term datasets
AM Lister
Trends in ecology & evolution 26 (4), 153-154, 2011
Group living and the effects of spatial position in aggregations of Mytilus edulis
B Okamura
Oecologia 69, 341-347, 1986
An introduction to myxozoan evolution, ecology and development
B Okamura, A Gruhl, JL Bartholomew
Myxozoan evolution, ecology and development, 1-20, 2015
Biodiversity and evolution of the Myxozoa
EU Canning¹, B Okamura
Advances in Parasitology 56, 43, 2003
The effects of ambient flow velocity, colony size, and upstream colonies on the feeding success of Bryozoa. I. Bugula stolonifera Ryland, an arborescent species
B Okamura
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 83 (2), 179-193, 1984
Life cycle complexity, environmental change and the emerging status of salmonid proliferative kidney disease
B Okamura, H Hartikainen, H Schmidt‐Posthaus, T Wahli
Freshwater biology 56 (4), 735-753, 2011
Buddenbrockia Is a Cnidarian Worm
E Jiménez-Guri, H Philippe, B Okamura, PWH Holland
Science 317 (5834), 116-118, 2007
A New Class and Order of Myxozoans to Accommodate Parasites of Bryozoans with Ultrastructural Observations on Tetracapsula bryosalmonae (PKX Organism)
EU Canning, A Curry, SW Feist, M Longshaw, B Okamura
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 47 (5), 456-468, 2000
The evolution of transmission mode
J Antonovics, AJ Wilson, MR Forbes, HC Hauffe, ER Kallio, HC Leggett, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Organism, the cause of Pkd in Salmonid Fish
EU Canning, A Curry, SW FEIsr, M LoNosiAw, B Okamura
Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Pathol 19 (5), 203, 1999
The effects of ambient flow velocity, colony size, and upstream colonies on the feeding success of Bryozoa. II. Conopeum reticulum (Linnaeus), an encrusting species
B Okamura
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 89 (1), 69-80, 1985
Extensive uncharted biodiversity: the parasite dimension
B Okamura, A Hartigan, J Naldoni
Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (6), 1132-1145, 2018
Cymothoid isopod parasites in aquaculture: a review and case study of a Turkish sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream (Sparus auratus) farm
T Horton, B Okamura
Diseases of aquatic organisms 46 (3), 181-188, 2001
Influence of seasonal variation in temperature, salinity and food availability on module size and colony growth of the estuarine bryozoan Conopeum seurati
A O'Dea, B Okamura
Marine Biology 135, 581-588, 1999
A new key to the freshwater bryozoans of Britain, Ireland and Continental Europe, with notes on their ecology
TS Wood, B Okamura
(No Title), 2005
Molecular data implicate bryozoans as hosts for PKX (Phylum Myxozoa) and identify a clade of bryozoan parasites within the Myxozoa
CL Anderson, EU Canning, B Okamura
Parasitology 119 (6), 555-561, 1999
Ecology, development and pathogenicity of Buddenbrockia plumatellae Schröder, 1910 (Myxozoa, Malacosporea)(syn. Tetracapsula bryozoides) and establishment of Tetracapsuloides n …
EU Canning, S Tops, A Curry, TS Wood, B Okamura
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 49 (4), 280-295, 2002
Induction of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss via the bryozoan Fredericella sultana infected with Tetracapsula bryosalmonae
SW Feist, M Longshaw, EU Canning, B Okamura
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 45 (1), 61-68, 2001
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