Plasma mirrors for ultrahigh-intensity optics C Thaury, F Quere, JP Geindre, A Levy, T Ceccotti, P Monot, M Bougeard, ... Nature Physics 3 (6), 424-429, 2007 | 653 | 2007 |
Burst-ultrafast laser machining method PR Herman, RS Marjoribanks, A Oettle CA Patent 2,332,154, 2009 | 390* | 2009 |
Burst-ultrafast laser machining method PR Herman, RS Marjoribanks, A Oettle US Patent 20,010,009,250, 2001 | 387 | 2001 |
Intense picosecond X-ray pulses from laser plasmas by use of nanostructured “velvet” targets G Kulcsar, D AlMawlawi, FW Budnik, PR Herman, M Moskovits, L Zhao, ... Physical review letters 84 (22), 5149, 2000 | 267 | 2000 |
Laser shaping of photonic materials: deep-ultraviolet and ultrafast lasers PR Herman, RS Marjoribanks, A Oettl, K Chen, I Konovalov, S Ness Applied Surface Science 154, 577-586, 2000 | 244 | 2000 |
Ultra high repetition rate (133 MHz) laser ablation of aluminum with 1.2-ps pulses M Lapczyna, KP Chen, PR Herman, HW Tan, RS Marjoribanks Applied Physics A 69, S883-S886, 1999 | 158 | 1999 |
Laser micromachining of transparent fused silica with 1-ps pulses and pulse trains PR Herman, A Oettl, KP Chen, RS Marjoribanks Commercial and Biomedical Applications of Ultrafast Lasers 3616, 148-155, 1999 | 115 | 1999 |
Dynamics of high-Z plasmas produced by a short-wavelength laser PD Goldstone, SR Goldman, WC Mead, JA Cobble, G Stradling, RH Day, ... Physical review letters 59 (1), 56, 1987 | 115 | 1987 |
Relativistic electron mirrors from nanoscale foils for coherent frequency upshift to the extreme ultraviolet D Kiefer, M Yeung, T Dzelzainis, PS Foster, SG Rykovanov, CLS Lewis, ... Nature communications 4 (1), 1763, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
X-ray yields from Xe clusters heated by short pulse high intensity lasers T Ditmire, RA Smith, RS Marjoribanks, G Kulcsar, MHR Hutchinson Applied physics letters 71 (2), 166-168, 1997 | 99 | 1997 |
keV x-ray spectroscopy of plasmas produced by the intense picosecond irradiation of a gas of xenon clusters T Ditmire, PK Patel, RA Smith, JS Wark, SJ Rose, D Milathianaki, ... Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 31 (12), 2825, 1998 | 67 | 1998 |
Thermal transport measurements in 1.05 µm laser irradiation of spherical targets B Yaakobi, J Delettrez, RL McCrory, R Marjoribanks, MC Richardson, ... Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena: Volume 6, 731-750, 1984 | 65 | 1984 |
Towards ultrahigh-contrast ultraintense laser pulses—complete characterization of a double plasma-mirror pulse cleaner T Wittmann, JP Geindre, P Audebert, RS Marjoribanks, JP Rousseau, ... Review of scientific instruments 77 (8), 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Electron-temperature measurement in laser-produced plasmas by the ratio of isoelectronic line intensities RS Marjoribanks, MC Richardson, PA Jaanimagi, R Epstein Physical Review A 46 (4), R1747, 1992 | 56 | 1992 |
High-contrast terawatt chirped-pulse-amplification laser that uses a 1-ps Nd: glass oscillator RS Marjoribanks, FW Budnik, L Zhao, G Kulcsar, M Stanier, J Mihaychuk Optics letters 18 (5), 361-363, 1993 | 54 | 1993 |
Ablation and thermal effects in treatment of hard and soft materials and biotissues using ultrafast-laser pulse-train bursts: Ablation und thermische Effekte bei der … RS Marjoribanks, C Dille, JE Schoenly, L McKinney, A Mordovanakis, ... Photonics & Lasers in Medicine 1 (3), 155-169, 2012 | 50 | 2012 |
Investigation of laser-driven proton acceleration using ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses S Fourmaux, S Buffechoux, B Albertazzi, D Capelli, A Lévy, S Gnedyuk, ... Physics of Plasmas 20 (1), 2013 | 46 | 2013 |
Feasibility study of high harmonic generation from short wavelength lasers interacting with solid targets DM Chambers, PA Norreys, AE Dangor, RS Marjoribanks, S Moustaizis, ... Optics communications 148 (4-6), 289-294, 1998 | 42 | 1998 |
K-shell spectroscopy of an independently diagnosed uniaxially expanding laser-produced aluminum plasma DM Chambers, PA Pinto, J Hawreliak, IR Al’Miev, A Gouveia, ... Physical Review E 66 (2), 026410, 2002 | 36 | 2002 |
Electron vacuum acceleration in a regime beyond brunel absorption JP Geindre, RS Marjoribanks, P Audebert Physical review letters 104 (13), 135001, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |