A commentary on Hesiod: Works and Days, vv. 1-382 WJ Verdenius Brill, 1985 | 226 | 1985 |
Commentaries on Pindar. Vol. 2, Olympian odes 1, 10, 11, Nemean 11, Isthmian 2 WJ Verdenius Brill, 1988 | 220* | 1988 |
Commentaries on Pindar WJ Verdenius Brill, 1988 | 220 | 1988 |
Commentaries on Pindar II WJ Verdenius Lingua 16, 00, 1988 | 220* | 1988 |
Commentaries on Pindar: Olympian odes 3, 7, 12, 14 WJ Verdenius EJ Brill, 1987 | 220* | 1987 |
Mimesis: Plato's doctrine of artistic imitation and its meaning to us WJ Verdenius Brill Archive, 1949 | 179 | 1949 |
Gorgias' doctrine of deception WJ Verdenius The Sophists and Their Legacy, 116-28, 1981 | 139 | 1981 |
The principles of Greek literary criticism WJ Verdenius Mnemosyne 36 (1-2), 14-59, 1983 | 132 | 1983 |
Parmenides, some comments on his poem W Verdenius | 108 | 1949 |
Homer, the Educator of the Greeks WJ Verdenius North-Holland Publishing Company, 1970 | 91 | 1970 |
Notes on Plato's Phaedo WJ Verdenius Mnemosyne 11 (1), 193-243, 1958 | 88 | 1958 |
Notes on the Proem of Hesiod's Theogony WJ Verdenius Mnemosyne 25 (3), 225-260, 1972 | 85 | 1972 |
A commentary on Hesiod WJ Verdenius Works and Days, vv, 1-382, 1985 | 73 | 1985 |
Traditional and personal elements in Aristotle's religion WJ Verdenius Phronesis 5 (1), 56-70, 1960 | 71 | 1960 |
Aufbau und Absicht der Erga WJ Verdenius Entretiens sur l’antiquité classique 7, 111-70, 1962 | 68 | 1962 |
Der Logosbegriff bei Heraklit und Pdrmenides WJ Verdenius Phronesis 11 (2), 81-98, 1966 | 63 | 1966 |
Notes on Plato's Phaedrus WJ Verdenius Mnemosyne 8 (1), 265-289, 1955 | 56 | 1955 |
Parmenides' conception of light WJ Verdenius Mnemosyne 2 (1), 116-131, 1949 | 48 | 1949 |
Notes on the Presocratics WJ Verdenius Mnemosyne 13 (Fasc. 4), 271-289, 1947 | 48 | 1947 |
Aristotle on Coming-to-be and Passing-away WJ Verdenius, JH Waszink Aristotle on Coming-to-Be and Passing-Away, 1-83, 1946 | 43* | 1946 |