Rowan A. C. Mitchell
Rowan A. C. Mitchell
Верификована је имејл адреса на rothamsted.ac.uk
Inhibition of SNF1-related protein kinase1 activity and regulation of metabolic pathways by trehalose-6-phosphate
Y Zhang, LF Primavesi, D Jhurreea, PJ Andralojc, RAC Mitchell, ...
Plant physiology 149 (4), 1860-1871, 2009
The effects of increasing CO2 on crop photosynthesis and productivity: a review of field studies
DW Lawlor, RAC Mitchell
Plant, Cell & Environment 14 (8), 807-818, 1991
Manipulation of Rubisco: the amount, activity, function and regulation
MAJ Parry, PJ Andralojc, RAC Mitchell, PJ Madgwick, AJ Keys
Journal of experimental botany 54 (386), 1321-1333, 2003
Effects of increased CO2 concentration and temperature on growth and yield of winter wheat at two levels of nitrogen application
RAC Mitchell, VJ Mitchell, SP Driscoll, J Franklin, DW Lawlor
Plant, Cell & Environment 16 (5), 521-529, 1993
Rubisco specificity factor tends to be larger in plant species from drier habitats and in species with persistent leaves
J Galmés, J Flexas, AJ Keys, J Cifre, RAC Mitchell, PJ Madgwick, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 28 (5), 571-579, 2005
Glycosyl transferases in family 61 mediate arabinofuranosyl transfer onto xylan in grasses
N Anders, MD Wilkinson, A Lovegrove, J Freeman, T Tryfona, TK Pellny, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (3), 989-993, 2012
Effects of elevated CO2 and drought on wheat: testing crop simulation models for different experimental and climatic conditions
F Ewert, D Rodriguez, P Jamieson, MA Semenov, RAC Mitchell, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 93 (1-3), 249-266, 2002
A novel bioinformatics approach identifies candidate genes for the synthesis and feruloylation of arabinoxylan
RAC Mitchell, P Dupree, PR Shewry
Plant Physiology 144 (1), 43-53, 2007
Transcriptome analysis of grain development in hexaploid wheat
Y Wan, RL Poole, AK Huttly, C Toscano-Underwood, K Feeney, ...
BMC genomics 9, 1-16, 2008
Wheat grain development is characterized by remarkable trehalose 6-phosphate accumulation pregrain filling: tissue distribution and relationship to SNF1-related protein kinase1 …
E Martínez-Barajas, T Delatte, H Schluepmann, GJ de Jong, GW Somsen, ...
Plant physiology 156 (1), 373-381, 2011
Effects on nutrients and on grain quality in spring wheat crops grown under elevated CO2 concentrations and stress conditions in the European, multiple-site experiment ‘ESPACE …
A Fangmeier, L De Temmerman, L Mortensen, K Kemp, J Burke, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 10 (3-4), 215-229, 1999
Crop ecosystem responses to climatic change: wheat.
DW Lawlor, RAC Mitchell
Climate change and global crop productivity, 57-80, 2000
A parsimonious, multiple-regression model of wheat yield response to environment
S Landau, RAC Mitchell, V Barnett, JJ Colls, J Craigon, RW Payne
Agricultural and forest meteorology 101 (2-3), 151-166, 2000
Testing winter wheat simulation models' predictions against observed UK grain yields
S Landau, RAC Mitchell, V Barnett, JJ Colls, J Craigon, KL Moore, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 89 (2), 85-99, 1998
Interacting effects of CO2 concentration, temperature and nitrogen supply on the photosynthesis and composition of winter wheat leaves
E Delgado, RAC Mitchell, MAJ Parry, SP Driscoll, VJ Mitchell, DW Lawlor
Plant, Cell & Environment 17 (11), 1205-1213, 1994
Cell walls of developing wheat starchy endosperm: comparison of composition and RNA-Seq transcriptome
TK Pellny, A Lovegrove, J Freeman, P Tosi, CG Love, JP Knox, ...
Plant physiology 158 (2), 612-627, 2012
Down-Regulation of the CSLF6 Gene Results in Decreased (1,3;1,4)-β-d-Glucan in Endosperm of Wheat
C Nemeth, J Freeman, HD Jones, C Sparks, TK Pellny, MD Wilkinson, ...
Plant physiology 152 (3), 1209-1218, 2010
An integrated study of grain development of wheat (cv. Hereward)
PR Shewry, RAC Mitchell, P Tosi, Y Wan, C Underwood, A Lovegrove, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 56 (1), 21-30, 2012
Storage product synthesis and accumulation in developing grains of wheat
PR Shewry, C Underwood, Y Wan, A Lovegrove, D Bhandari, G Toole, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 50 (1), 106-112, 2009
Estimating the excess investment in ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in leaves of spring wheat grown under elevated CO2
JC Theobald, RAC Mitchell, MAJ Parry, DW Lawlor
Plant Physiology 118 (3), 945-955, 1998
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