Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Nina F. DronkersСазнајте више
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Double dissociation of letter and category fluency following left frontal and temporal lobe lesions
JV Baldo, S Schwartz, DP Wilkins, NF Dronkers
Aphasiology 24 (12), 1593-1604, 2010
Овлашћења: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
You may now kiss the bride: Interpretation of social situations by individuals with right or left hemisphere injury
JV Baldo, NA Kacinik, A Moncrief, F Beghin, NF Dronkers
Neuropsychologia 80, 133-141, 2016
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Veterans Affairs
Lesion studies
JV Baldo, NF Dronkers
Research methods in psycholinguistics and the neurobiology of language: A …, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Veterans Affairs
The neuroscience of language and aphasia.
NF Dronkers, MV Ivanova
American Psychological Association, 2023
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
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Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants
ML Gorno-Tempini, AE Hillis, S Weintraub, A Kertesz, M Mendez, ...
Neurology 76 (11), 1006-1014, 2011
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research …
The logopenic/phonological variant of primary progressive aphasia
ML Gorno-Tempini, SM Brambati, V Ginex, J Ogar, NF Dronkers, ...
Neurology 71 (16), 1227-1234, 2008
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Connected speech production in three variants of primary progressive aphasia
SM Wilson, ML Henry, M Besbris, JM Ogar, NF Dronkers, W Jarrold, ...
Brain 133 (7), 2069-2088, 2010
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Cognitive processing speed and the structure of white matter pathways: convergent evidence from normal variation and lesion studies
U Turken, S Whitfield-Gabrieli, R Bammer, JV Baldo, NF Dronkers, ...
Neuroimage 42 (2), 1032-1044, 2008
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Aβ amyloid and glucose metabolism in three variants of primary progressive aphasia
GD Rabinovici, WJ Jagust, AJ Furst, JM Ogar, CA Racine, EC Mormino, ...
Annals of neurology 64 (4), 388-401, 2008
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Redefining the role of Broca’s area in speech
A Flinker, A Korzeniewska, AY Shestyuk, PJ Franaszczuk, NF Dronkers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (9), 2871-2875, 2015
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Conduction aphasia, sensory-motor integration, and phonological short-term memory–an aggregate analysis of lesion and fMRI data
BR Buchsbaum, J Baldo, K Okada, KF Berman, N Dronkers, M D’Esposito, ...
Brain and language 119 (3), 119-128, 2011
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
White matter damage in primary progressive aphasias: a diffusion tensor tractography study
S Galantucci, MC Tartaglia, SM Wilson, ML Henry, M Filippi, F Agosta, ...
Brain 134 (10), 3011-3029, 2011
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Language networks in semantic dementia
F Agosta, RG Henry, R Migliaccio, J Neuhaus, BL Miller, NF Dronkers, ...
Brain 133 (1), 286-299, 2010
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Gender bias in academia: A lifetime problem that needs solutions
A Llorens, A Tzovara, L Bellier, I Bhaya-Grossman, A Bidet-Caulet, ...
Neuron 109 (13), 2047-2074, 2021
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, US …
Grey and white matter correlates of picture naming: evidence from a voxel-based lesion analysis of the Boston Naming Test
JV Baldo, A Arévalo, JP Patterson, NF Dronkers
Cortex 49 (3), 658-667, 2013
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Diffusion-tensor imaging of major white matter tracts and their role in language processing in aphasia
MV Ivanova, DY Isaev, OV Dragoy, YS Akinina, AG Petrushevskiy, ...
Cortex 85, 165-181, 2016
Овлашћења: US Department of Veterans Affairs
Direct brain recordings reveal hippocampal rhythm underpinnings of language processing
V Piai, KL Anderson, JJ Lin, C Dewar, J Parvizi, NF Dronkers, RT Knight
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (40), 11366-11371, 2016
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, US …
From Phineas Gage and Monsieur Leborgne to HM: revisiting disconnection syndromes
M Thiebaut de Schotten, F Dell'Acqua, P Ratiu, A Leslie, H Howells, ...
Cerebral Cortex 25 (12), 4812-4827, 2015
Овлашћења: US Department of Veterans Affairs, National Institute for Health Research …
Neural correlates of syntactic processing in the nonfluent variant of primary progressive aphasia
SM Wilson, NF Dronkers, JM Ogar, J Jang, ME Growdon, F Agosta, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (50), 16845-16854, 2010
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Frontal white matter tracts sustaining speech production in primary progressive aphasia
ML Mandelli, E Caverzasi, RJ Binney, ML Henry, I Lobach, N Block, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (29), 9754-9767, 2014
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
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