Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Ulrich MüllerСазнајте више
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Comparison of two optical methods for contactless, full field and highly sensitive in-plane deformation measurements using the example of plywood
A Valla, J Konnerth, D Keunecke, P Niemz, U Müller, W Gindl
Wood science and technology 45, 755-765, 2011
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Variability in surface polarity of wood by means of AFM adhesion force mapping
J Frybort, S., Obersriebnig, M., Müller, U., Gindl-Altmutter, W., Konnert
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 457, 82–87, 2014
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Fracture energy vs. internal bond strength–mechanical characterization of wood-based panels
J Rathke, G Sinn, M Harm, A Teischinger, M Weigl, U Müller
Wood Material Science & Engineering 7 (4), 176-185, 2012
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
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Cellulose nanofibrils as filler for adhesives: effect on specific fracture energy of solid wood-adhesive bonds
S Veigel, U Müller, J Keckes, M Obersriebnig, W Gindl-Altmutter
Cellulose 18, 1227-1237, 2011
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Tradeoffs between hydraulic and mechanical stress responses of mature Norway spruce trunk wood
S Rosner, A Klein, U Müller, B Karlsson
Tree Physiology 28 (8), 1179-1188, 2008
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Preparation of high strength plywood from partially delignified densified wood
M Jakob, G Stemmer, I Czabany, U Müller, W Gindl-Altmutter
Polymers 12 (8), 1796, 2020
Овлашћења: European Commission, Business Finland
Influence of ageing on mechanical properties of wood to wood bonding with wheat flour glue
S D’Amico, M Hrabalova, U Müller, E Berghofer
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70 (5), 679-688, 2012
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Strain measurements within fiber boards. Part I: Inhomogeneous strain distribution within medium density fiberboards (MDF) loaded perpendicularly to the plane of the board
J Rathke, G Sinn, J Konnerth, U Müller
Materials 5 (6), 1115-1124, 2012
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Strain measurements within fibreboard. part III: analyzing the process zone at the crack tip of medium density fiberboards (MDF) double cantilever I-beam specimens
J Rathke, U Müller, J Konnerth, G Sinn
Materials 5 (11), 2190-2204, 2012
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
Strain measurements within fibre boards. Part II: Strain concentrations at the crack tip of MDF specimens tested by the wedge splitting method
G Sinn, U Müller, J Konnerth, J Rathke
Materials 5 (8), 1495-1507, 2012
Овлашћења: Austrian Science Fund
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