The TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis (TMPA): Quasi-global, multiyear, combined-sensor precipitation estimates at fine scales GJ Huffman, DT Bolvin, EJ Nelkin, DB Wolff, RF Adler, G Gu, Y Hong, ... Journal of hydrometeorology 8 (1), 38-55, 2007 | 7876 | 2007 |
The version-2 global precipitation climatology project (GPCP) monthly precipitation analysis (1979–present) RF Adler, GJ Huffman, A Chang, R Ferraro, PP Xie, J Janowiak, B Rudolf, ... Journal of hydrometeorology 4 (6), 1147-1167, 2003 | 6207 | 2003 |
Global precipitation at one-degree daily resolution from multisatellite observations GJ Huffman, RF Adler, MM Morrissey, DT Bolvin, S Curtis, R Joyce, ... Journal of hydrometeorology 2 (1), 36-50, 2001 | 2233 | 2001 |
The global precipitation climatology project (GPCP) combined precipitation dataset GJ Huffman, RF Adler, P Arkin, A Chang, R Ferraro, A Gruber, J Janowiak, ... Bulletin of the american meteorological society 78 (1), 5-20, 1997 | 2140 | 1997 |
The status of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) after two years in orbit C Kummerow, J Simpson, O Thiele, W Barnes, ATC Chang, E Stocker, ... Journal of applied meteorology 39 (12), 1965-1982, 2000 | 1599 | 2000 |
A proposed tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) satellite J Simpson, RF Adler, GR North Bulletin of the American meteorological Society 69 (3), 278-295, 1988 | 1166 | 1988 |
Improving the global precipitation record: GPCP version 2.1 GJ Huffman, RF Adler, DT Bolvin, G Gu Geophysical Research Letters 36 (17), 2009 | 1140 | 2009 |
The TRMM multi-satellite precipitation analysis (TMPA) GJ Huffman, RF Adler, DT Bolvin, EJ Nelkin Satellite rainfall applications for surface hydrology, 3-22, 2010 | 1048 | 2010 |
MSWEP V2 global 3-hourly 0.1 precipitation: methodology and quantitative assessment HE Beck, EF Wood, M Pan, CK Fisher, DG Miralles, AIJM Van Dijk, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (3), 473-500, 2019 | 1038 | 2019 |
The evolution of the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF) for rainfall estimation from passive microwave sensors C Kummerow, Y Hong, WS Olson, S Yang, RF Adler, J McCollum, ... Journal of Applied Meteorology 40 (11), 1801-1820, 2001 | 1004 | 2001 |
The Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP) monthly analysis (new version 2.3) and a review of 2017 global precipitation RF Adler, MRP Sapiano, GJ Huffman, JJ Wang, G Gu, D Bolvin, L Chiu, ... Atmosphere 9 (4), 138, 2018 | 817 | 2018 |
A satellite infrared technique to estimate tropical convective and stratiform rainfall RF Adler, AJ Negri Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 27 (1), 30-51, 1988 | 776 | 1988 |
On the tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) J Simpson, C Kummerow, WK Tao, RF Adler Meteorology and Atmospheric physics 60, 19-36, 1996 | 600 | 1996 |
Global precipitation estimates based on a technique for combining satellite-based estimates, rain gauge analysis, and NWP model precipitation information GJ Huffman, RF Adler, B Rudolf, U Schneider, PR Keehn Journal of Climate 8 (5), 1284-1295, 1995 | 576 | 1995 |
Evaluation of global precipitation in reanalyses MG Bosilovich, J Chen, FR Robertson, RF Adler Journal of applied meteorology and climatology 47 (9), 2279-2299, 2008 | 497 | 2008 |
Daily evaluation of 26 precipitation datasets using Stage-IV gauge-radar data for the CONUS HE Beck, M Pan, T Roy, GP Weedon, F Pappenberger, AIJM Van Dijk, ... Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (1), 207-224, 2019 | 494 | 2019 |
A global landslide catalog for hazard applications: method, results, and limitations DB Kirschbaum, R Adler, Y Hong, S Hill, A Lerner-Lam Natural Hazards 52, 561-575, 2010 | 487 | 2010 |
GPCP pentad precipitation analyses: An experimental dataset based on gauge observations and satellite estimates P Xie, JE Janowiak, PA Arkin, R Adler, A Gruber, R Ferraro, GJ Huffman, ... Journal of Climate 16 (13), 2197-2214, 2003 | 487 | 2003 |
Tropical rainfall distributions determined using TRMM combined with other satellite and rain gauge information RF Adler, GJ Huffman, DT Bolvin, S Curtis, EJ Nelkin Journal of Applied meteorology 39 (12), 2007-2023, 2000 | 448 | 2000 |
Component analysis of errors in satellite‐based precipitation estimates Y Tian, CD Peters‐Lidard, JB Eylander, RJ Joyce, GJ Huffman, RF Adler, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D24), 2009 | 445 | 2009 |