Kateryna Trofymchuk
Kateryna Trofymchuk
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Giant light-harvesting nanoantenna for single-molecule detection in ambient light
K Trofymchuk, A Reisch, P Didier, F Fras, P Gilliot, Y Mely, ...
Nature photonics 11 (10), 657-663, 2017
Optical nanoantenna for single molecule-based detection of zika virus nucleic acids without molecular multiplication
SE Ochmann, C Vietz, K Trofymchuk, GP Acuna, B Lalkens, P Tinnefeld
Analytical chemistry 89 (23), 13000-13007, 2017
Addressable nanoantennas with cleared hotspots for single-molecule detection on a portable smartphone microscope
K Trofymchuk, V Glembockyte, L Grabenhorst, F Steiner, C Vietz, C Close, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 950, 2021
Tuning the color and photostability of perylene diimides inside polymer nanoparticles: towards biodegradable substitutes of quantum dots
K Trofymchuk, A Reisch, I Shulov, Y Mély, AS Klymchenko
Nanoscale 6 (21), 12934-12942, 2014
Tailoring fluorescence brightness and switching of nanoparticles through dye organization in the polymer matrix
A Reisch, K Trofymchuk, A Runser, G Fleith, M Rawiso, AS Klymchenko
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (49), 43030-43042, 2017
BODIPY-loaded polymer nanoparticles: chemical structure of cargo defines leakage from nanocarrier in living cells
K Trofymchuk, J Valanciunaite, B Andreiuk, A Reisch, M Collot, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 7 (34), 5199-5210, 2019
Exploiting fast exciton diffusion in dye-doped polymer nanoparticles to engineer efficient photoswitching
K Trofymchuk, L Prodi, A Reisch, Y Mely, K Altenhöner, J Mattay, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (12), 2259-2264, 2015
DNA origami nanoantennas for fluorescence enhancement
V Glembockyte, L Grabenhorst, K Trofymchuk, P Tinnefeld
Accounts of Chemical Research 54 (17), 3338-3348, 2021
Gold nanorod DNA origami antennas for 3 orders of magnitude fluorescence enhancement in NIR
K Trofymchuk, K Kołątaj, V Glembockyte, F Zhu, GP Acuna, T Liedl, ...
ACS nano 17 (2), 1327-1334, 2023
Single antibody detection in a DNA origami nanoantenna
M Pfeiffer, K Trofymchuk, S Ranallo, F Ricci, F Steiner, F Cole, ...
Iscience 24 (9), 2021
Fluorophore photostability and saturation in the hotspot of DNA origami nanoantennas
L Grabenhorst, K Trofymchuk, F Steiner, V Glembockyte, P Tinnefeld
Methods and applications in fluorescence 8 (2), 024003, 2020
Maximizing the accessibility in DNA origami nanoantenna plasmonic hotspots
C Close, K Trofymchuk, L Grabenhorst, B Lalkens, V Glembockyte, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (24), 2200255, 2022
DNA origami nanotools for single-molecule biosensing and superresolution microscopy
P Tinnefeld, GP Acuna, Q Wei, A Ozcan, C Vietz, B Lalkens, K Trofymchuk, ...
Optical Manipulation and Its Applications, AW5E. 5, 2019
Broad-Band Fluorescence Enhancement of QDs Captured in the Hotspot of DNA Origami Nanonantennas
R Yaadav, K Trofymchuk, F Gong, X Ji, F Steiner, P Tinnefeld, Z He
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (22), 9154-9160, 2024
Publisher Correction: Giant light-harvesting nanoantenna for single-molecule detection in ambient light
K Trofymchuk, A Reisch, P Didier, F Fras, P Gilliot, Y Mely, ...
Nature Photonics 12 (3), 185-185, 2018
Bringing Attomolar Detection to the Point-of-Care with Nanopatterned DNA Origami Nanoantennas
R Yaadav, K Trofymchuk, M Dass, V Behrendt, B Hauer, J Schuetz, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.10. 14.618183, 2024
Dye-loaded fluorescent polymeric nanoparticles as nano-antenna
A Klymchenko, K Trofymchuk, A Reisch, B Andreiuk
US Patent 11,549,886, 2023
Maximizing the Accessibility in DNA Origami Nanoantenna Plasmonic Hotspots (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 24/2022).
C Close, K Trofymchuk, L Grabenhorst, B Lalkens, V Glembockyte, ...
Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (24), 2022
ChipScope Symposium: Novel Approaches for a Chip-Sized Optical Microscope
À Diéguez Barrientos, S Bornemann, K Kluczyk Korch, K Trofymchuk, ...
MDPI Proceedings, 2020, vol. 56, num. 1, p. 5, 2020
ChipScope Symposium: Novel Approaches for a Chip-Sized Optical Microscope
A Diéguez, S Bornemann, K Kluczyk-Korch, K Trofymchuk, ...
Proceedings 56 (1), 5, 2020
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