Quantum theory of the optical and electronic properties of semiconductors H Haug, SW Koch world scientific, 2009 | 4748 | 2009 |
Physics of optoelectronic devices SL Chuang, N Peyghambarian, S Koch Physics Today 49 (7), 62-62, 1996 | 2968 | 1996 |
Sub-cycle control of terahertz high-harmonic generation by dynamical Bloch oscillations O Schubert, M Hohenleutner, F Langer, B Urbanek, C Lange, U Huttner, ... Nature photonics 8 (2), 119-123, 2014 | 1193 | 2014 |
Vacuum Rabi splitting in semiconductors G Khitrova, HM Gibbs, M Kira, SW Koch, A Scherer Nature physics 2 (2), 81-90, 2006 | 1134 | 2006 |
Semiconductor-laser physics WW Chow, SW Koch, MIII Sargent Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 1024 | 2012 |
Effective Bloch equations for semiconductors M Lindberg, SW Koch Physical Review B 38 (5), 3342, 1988 | 910 | 1988 |
Semiconductor-laser fundamentals: physics of the gain materials WW Chow, SW Koch Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 901 | 2013 |
Semiconductor quantum dots L Bányai, SW Koch | 832 | 1993 |
Nonlinear optics of normal-mode-coupling semiconductor microcavities G Khitrova, HM Gibbs, F Jahnke, M Kira, SW Koch Reviews of Modern Physics 71 (5), 1591, 1999 | 775 | 1999 |
State estimation and control of electric loads to manage real-time energy imbalance JL Mathieu, S Koch, DS Callaway IEEE Transactions on power systems 28 (1), 430-440, 2012 | 716 | 2012 |
Real-time observation of interfering crystal electrons in high-harmonic generation M Hohenleutner, F Langer, O Schubert, M Knorr, U Huttner, SW Koch, ... Nature 523 (7562), 572-575, 2015 | 703 | 2015 |
Introduction to semiconductor optics N Peyghambarian, SW Koch, A Mysyrowicz Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1993 | 601 | 1993 |
Many-body correlations and excitonic effects in semiconductor spectroscopy M Kira, SW Koch Progress in quantum electronics 30 (5), 155-296, 2006 | 529 | 2006 |
Semiconductor physics WW DPG, LS EPS, R Leturcq, S Gustavsson, B Simovic, R Schleser, T Ihn, ... | 468 | 1978 |
Semiconductor quantum optics M Kira, SW Koch Cambridge University Press, 2011 | 464 | 2011 |
Theory of optically excited intrinsic semiconductor quantum dots YZ Hu, M Lindberg, SW Koch Physical Review B 42 (3), 1713, 1990 | 453 | 1990 |
Transient nonlinear optical response from excitation induced dephasing in GaAs H Wang, K Ferrio, DG Steel, YZ Hu, R Binder, SW Koch Physical review letters 71 (8), 1261, 1993 | 443 | 1993 |
Provision of load frequency control by PHEVs, controllable loads, and a cogeneration unit MD Galus, S Koch, G Andersson IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (10), 4568-4582, 2011 | 436 | 2011 |
Modeling and control of aggregated heterogeneous thermostatically controlled loads for ancillary services S Koch, JL Mathieu, DS Callaway Proc. PSCC, 1-7, 2011 | 421 | 2011 |
High harmonics generated in semiconductor nanostructures by the coupled dynamics of optical inter-and intraband excitations D Golde, T Meier, SW Koch Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (7), 075330, 2008 | 417 | 2008 |