Leah Band
Leah Band
Верификована је имејл адреса на nottingham.ac.uk
Auxin regulates aquaporin function to facilitate lateral root emergence
B Péret, G Li, J Zhao, LR Band, U Voß, O Postaire, DT Luu, O Da Ines, ...
Nature cell biology 14 (10), 991-998, 2012
Root gravitropism is regulated by a transient lateral auxin gradient controlled by a tipping-point mechanism
LR Band, DM Wells, A Larrieu, J Sun, AM Middleton, AP French, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (12), 4668-4673, 2012
Root hydrotropism is controlled via a cortex-specific growth mechanism
D Dietrich, L Pang, A Kobayashi, JA Fozard, V Boudolf, R Bhosale, ...
Nature plants 3 (6), 1-8, 2017
Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex
LR Band, DM Wells, JA Fozard, T Ghetiu, AP French, MP Pound, ...
The Plant Cell 26 (3), 862-875, 2014
Cyclic programmed cell death stimulates hormone signaling and root development in Arabidopsis
W Xuan, LR Band, RP Kumpf, D Van Damme, B Parizot, G De Rop, ...
Science 351 (6271), 384-387, 2016
Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis
N Mellor, LR Band, A Pěnčík, O Novák, A Rashed, T Holman, MH Wilson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (39), 11022-11027, 2016
Sequential induction of auxin efflux and influx carriers regulates lateral root emergence
B Péret, AM Middleton, AP French, A Larrieu, A Bishopp, M Njo, DM Wells, ...
Molecular systems biology 9 (1), 699, 2013
Growth-induced hormone dilution can explain the dynamics of plant root cell elongation
LR Band, S Úbeda-Tomás, RJ Dyson, AM Middleton, TC Hodgman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (19), 7577-7582, 2012
Biphasic regulation of the transcription factor ABORTED MICROSPORES (AMS) is essential for tapetum and pollen development in Arabidopsis
AC Ferguson, S Pearce, LR Band, C Yang, I Ferjentsikova, J King, Z Yuan, ...
New Phytologist 213 (2), 778-790, 2017
Auxin Carriers Localization Drives Auxin Accumulation in Plant Cells Infected by Frankia in Casuarina glauca Actinorhizal Nodules
F Perrine-Walker, P Doumas, M Lucas, V Vaissayre, NJ Beauchemin, ...
Plant physiology 154 (3), 1372-1380, 2010
Auxin fluxes through plasmodesmata modify root-tip auxin distribution
NL Mellor, U Voß, G Janes, MJ Bennett, DM Wells, LR Band
Development 147 (6), dev181669, 2020
A model of crosslink kinetics in the expanding plant cell wall: yield stress and enzyme action
RJ Dyson, LR Band, OE Jensen
Journal of theoretical biology 307, 125-136, 2012
Multiscale systems analysis of root growth and development: modeling beyond the network and cellular scales
LR Band, JA Fozard, C Godin, OE Jensen, T Pridmore, MJ Bennett, ...
The Plant Cell 24 (10), 3892-3906, 2012
Buckling as an origin of ordered cuticular patterns in flower petals
RL Antoniou Kourounioti, LR Band, JA Fozard, A Hampstead, A Lovrics, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10 (80), 20120847, 2013
Mechanical modelling quantifies the functional importance of outer tissue layers during root elongation and bending
RJ Dyson, G Vizcay‐Barrena, LR Band, AN Fernandes, AP French, ...
New Phytologist 202 (4), 1212-1222, 2014
A biomechanical model of anther opening reveals the roles of dehydration and secondary thickening
MR Nelson, LR Band, RJ Dyson, T Lessinnes, DM Wells, C Yang, ...
New Phytologist 196 (4), 1030-1037, 2012
Stochastic and deterministic multiscale models for systems biology: an auxin-transport case study
J Twycross, LR Band, MJ Bennett, JR King, N Krasnogor
BMC Systems Biology 4, 1-11, 2010
Coordination of meristem and boundary functions by transcription factors in the SHOOT MERISTEMLESS regulatory network
S Scofield, A Murison, A Jones, J Fozard, M Aida, LR Band, M Bennett, ...
Development 145 (9), dev157081, 2018
Intracellular flow in optic nerve axons: a mechanism for cell death in glaucoma
LR Band, CL Hall, G Richardson, OE Jensen, JH Siggers, AJE Foss
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 50 (8), 3750-3758, 2009
Differential biosynthesis and cellular permeability explain longitudinal gibberellin gradients in growing roots
A Rizza, B Tang, CE Stanley, G Grossmann, MR Owen, LR Band, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (8), e1921960118, 2021
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