Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Zin Khaing, PhDСазнајте више
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High-frequency nonlinear doppler contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging of blood flow
M Bruce, A Hannah, R Hammond, ZZ Khaing, C Tremblay-Darveau, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 67 …, 2020
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense
Transcutaneous contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging of the posttraumatic spinal cord
ZZ Khaing, LN Cates, JE Hyde, R Hammond, M Bruce, CP Hofstetter
Spinal cord 58 (6), 695-704, 2020
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense
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Super-resolution ultrasound localization microscopy through deep learning
RJG Van Sloun, O Solomon, M Bruce, ZZ Khaing, H Wijkstra, YC Eldar, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 40 (3), 829-839, 2020
Овлашћења: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Advanced biomaterials for repairing the nervous system: what can hydrogels do for the brain?
ZZ Khaing, RC Thomas, SA Geissler, CE Schmidt
Materials Today 17 (7), 332-340, 2014
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Novel degradable co-polymers of polypyrrole support cell proliferation and enhance neurite out-growth with electrical stimulation
H Durgam, S Sapp, C Deister, Z Khaing, E Chang, S Luebben, ...
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 21 (10), 1265-1282, 2010
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Biomimetic hydrogels direct spinal progenitor cell differentiation and promote functional recovery after spinal cord injury
SA Geissler, AL Sabin, RR Besser, OM Gooden, BD Shirk, QM Nguyen, ...
Journal of neural engineering 15 (2), 025004, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Functional characterization of optimized acellular peripheral nerve graft in a rat sciatic nerve injury model
RJ Nagao, S Lundy, ZZ Khaing, CE Schmidt
Neurological research 33 (6), 600-608, 2011
Овлашћења: Science Foundation Ireland
Spontaneous nucleation of stable perfluorocarbon emulsions for ultrasound contrast agents
DS Li, S Schneewind, M Bruce, Z Khaing, M O’Donnell, L Pozzo
Nano letters 19 (1), 173-181, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Sacrificial crystal templated hyaluronic acid hydrogels as biomimetic 3D tissue scaffolds for nerve tissue regeneration
RC Thomas, P Vu, SP Modi, PE Chung, RC Landis, ZZ Khaing, JG Hardy, ...
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 3 (7), 1451-1459, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
Localized and sustained release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor from injectable hydrogel/microparticle composites fosters spinal learning after spinal cord injury
ZZ Khaing, NK Agrawal, JH Park, S Xin, GC Plumton, KH Lee, YJ Huang, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 4 (47), 7560-7571, 2016
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
Aptamer antagonists of myelin-derived inhibitors promote axon growth
Y Wang, ZZ Khaing, N Li, B Hall, CE Schmidt, AD Ellington
PLoS One 5 (3), e9726, 2010
Овлашћења: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
3D printing with nucleic acid adhesives
PB Allen, Z Khaing, CE Schmidt, AD Ellington
ACS biomaterials science & engineering 1 (1), 19-26, 2015
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Clinical trials targeting secondary damage after traumatic spinal cord injury
ZZ Khaing, JY Chen, G Safarians, S Ezubeik, N Pedroncelli, RD Duquette, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 24 (4), 3824, 2023
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Surface modification of neural electrodes with a pyrrole-hyaluronic acid conjugate to attenuate reactive astrogliosis in vivo
JY Lee, ZZ Khaing, JJ Siegel, CE Schmidt
RSC advances 5 (49), 39228-39231, 2015
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for assessment of local hemodynamic changes following a rodent contusion spinal cord injury
ZZ Khaing, LN Cates, J Hyde, DM DeWees, R Hammond, M Bruce, ...
Military medicine 185 (Supplement_1), 470-475, 2020
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense
Effect of durotomy versus myelotomy on tissue sparing and functional outcome after spinal cord injury
ZZ Khaing, LN Cates, DM Dewees, JE Hyde, A Gaing, Z Birjandian, ...
Journal of Neurotrauma 38 (6), 746-755, 2021
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health
Blood flow changes associated with spinal cord injury assessed by non-linear Doppler contrast-enhanced ultrasound
M Bruce, D DeWees, JN Harmon, L Cates, ZZ Khaing, CP Hofstetter
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 48 (8), 1410-1419, 2022
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health
Quantitative tissue perfusion imaging using nonlinear ultrasound localization microscopy
JN Harmon, ZZ Khaing, JE Hyde, CP Hofstetter, C Tremblay-Darveau, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 21943, 2022
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health
Embryonic mescencephalon derived neurospheres contain progenitors as well as differentiated neurons and glia
ZZ Khaing, JL Roberts
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 27 (6), 613-622, 2009
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health
A decrease in the neuroprotective effects of acute spinal cord decompression according to injury severity: introducing the concept of a ceiling effect
T Prasse, ZZ Khaing, LN Cates, DM Dewees, JE Hyde, J Bredow, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 38 (3), 299-306, 2022
Овлашћења: US Department of Defense, German Research Foundation
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