Niklas Strand, Ph.D.
Niklas Strand, Ph.D.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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Semi-automated versus highly automated driving in critical situations caused by automation failures
L Strand, Niklas, Nilsson, Josef, Karlsson, I.C. MariAnne, Nilsson
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 27, 218-228, 2014
Exploring end-user experiences: self-perceived notions on use of adaptive cruise control systems
N Strand, J Nilsson, ICM Karlsson, L Nilsson
IET intelligent transport systems 5 (2), 134-140, 2011
Driver performance in the presence of adaptive cruise control related failures: Implications for safety analysis and fault tolerance
J Nilsson, N Strand, P Falcone, J Vinter
2013 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks …, 2013
Literature review on the acceptance and road safety, ethical, legal, social and economic implications of automated vehicles
A Johnsen, N Strand, J Andersson, C Patten, C Kraetsch, J Takman
Vision measurability and its impact on safe driving: a literature review
B Thorslund, N Strand
Scandinavian Journal of Optometry and Visual Science 9 (1), 1-9, 2016
Interaction with and use of driver assistance systems: a study of end-user experiences
N Strand, J Nilsson, ICM Karlsson, L Nilsson
Proceedings of the 18th ITS World Congress. Washington, DC: ITS America, 2011
Ready for a Learner’s Permit? Clinical Neuropsychological Off-road Tests and Driving Behaviors in a Simulator among Adolescents with ADHD and ASD
B Selander, H, Strand, N, Almberg, M, Lidestam
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2021
A case-study on drivers' mental model of partial driving automation
N Strand, C Stave, J Ihlström
25th ITS World Congress, 2018
Trafiksäkerhetspåverkan vid omkörning av 30-metersfordon
J Andersson, L Renner, J Sandin, C Fors, N Strand, M Hjort, ...
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2011
Identification of Road User related Risk Factors
R Talbot, E Aigner-Breuss, S Kaiser, R Alfonsi, E Braun, A Eichhorn, ...
SAfetyCube Deliverable 41, 2016
The effects of information relevancy on driving behavior: A simulator study on professional bus drivers
H Nilsson, M Mullaart, N Strand, A Eriksson
Cognition, Technology & Work 23, 429-437, 2021
End users’ acceptance and use of adaptive cruise control systems
N Strand, ICMA Karlsson, L Nilsson
Human factors in transportation, 263-274, 2016
Drivers’ knowledge and learning of advanced driver assistance systems
C Stave, N Strand
Proceedings of the 22nd ITS World Congress, Bordeaux, France, 5-9, 2015
When driving automation fails
N Strand
Chalmers University of Technology, 2014
Refresher courses for senior drivers in Sweden
B Peters, J Nyberg, N Strand
Bridging Gaps for the Adoption of Automated Vehicles—BRAVE Aspects for TrustVehicles—Development of Innovative HMIs to Increase Acceptance
BS Clemens Kraetsch, Gabriella Eriksson, Niklas Strand, Florent Anon, Jan ...
Enhanced Trustworthiness and End User Acceptance of Conditionally Automated …, 2021
Collecting end-users needs regarding driver state-based automation in the ADAS&ME project
T Dukic Willstrand, A Anund, M Pereira Cocron, S Griesche, N Strand, ...
Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018 …, 2018
Attitudes among older drivers towards medical assessment at renewal of driving license in Sweden
B Thorslund, N Strand, TD Willstrand
European transport research review 9, 1-8, 2017
Traffic safety effects when overtaking 30 meter trucks
J Andersson, J Sandin, L Renner, C Fors, N Strand, M Hjort, ...
4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE …, 2012
Overview of connected and automated driving test sites
A Adesiyun, I Erdelean, A Hedhli, M Lamb, W Ponweiser, N Strand, ...
8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland …, 2020
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