Raj. Shabadi
Raj. Shabadi
Univ. Lille, CNRS, INRA, ENSCL, UMR 8207 - UMET - Unité Matériaux et Transformations, F-59000 Lille
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Dissimilar material joining using laser (aluminum to steel using zinc-based filler wire)
A Mathieu, R Shabadi, A Deschamps, M Suery, S Matteï, D Grevey, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 39 (3), 652-661, 2007
Preparation and corrosion behavior of Ni and Ni–graphene composite coatings
CMP Kumar, TV Venkatesha, R Shabadi
Materials Research Bulletin 48 (4), 1477-1483, 2013
Characterisation of PLC band parameters using laser speckle technique
R Shabadi, S Kumar, HJ Roven, ES Dwarakadasa
Materials Science and Engineering: A 364 (1-2), 140-150, 2004
Characterization of oxide dispersion strengthened copper based materials developed by friction stir processing
MN Avettand-Fènoël, A Simar, R Shabadi, R Taillard, B De Meester
Materials & Design 60, 343-357, 2014
Surface modified copper alloy powder for reliable laser-based additive manufacturing
SD Jadhav, PP Dhekne, S Dadbakhsh, JP Kruth, J Van Humbeeck, ...
Additive Manufacturing 35, 101418, 2020
Ti2NiCoSnSb - a new half-Heusler type high-entropy alloy showing simultaneous increase in Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity for thermoelectric …
A Karati, M Nagini, S Ghosh, R Shabadi, KG Pradeep, RC Mallik, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 5331, 2019
Microstructural observations and tensile fracture behavior of FSW twin roll cast AZ31 Mg sheets
A Dorbane, G Ayoub, B Mansoor, RF Hamade, G Kridli, R Shabadi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 649, 190-200, 2016
Texture and formability studies on AA7020 Al alloy sheets
R Shabadi, S Suwas, S Kumar, HJ Roven, ES Dwarkadasa
Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 439-445, 2012
Enhancing overall static/dynamic/damping/ignition response of magnesium through the addition of lower amounts (< 2%) of yttrium
S Tekumalla, C Yang, S Seetharaman, WLE Wong, CS Goh, R Shabadi, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 689, 350-358, 2016
Investigation of DC magnetron-sputtered TiO2 coatings: Effect of coating thickness, structure, and morphology on photocatalytic activity
S Daviðsdóttir, R Shabadi, AC Galca, IH Andersen, K Dirscherl, R Ambat
Applied surface science 313, 677-686, 2014
Effect of specimen condition, orientation and alloy composition on PLC band parameters
R Shabadi, S Kumar, HJ Roven, ES Dwarakadasa
Materials Science and Engineering: A 382 (1-2), 203-208, 2004
A strong and deformable in-situ magnesium nanocomposite igniting above 1000 °C
S Tekumalla, Y Nandigam, N Bibhanshu, S Rajashekara, C Yang, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 7038, 2018
Powder metallurgy hollow fly ash cenospheres’ particles reinforced magnesium composites
S Sankaranarayanan, QB Nguyen, R Shabadi, AH Almajid, M Gupta
Powder Metallurgy 59 (3), 188-196, 2016
Advances in Metrology and Measurement of Engineering Surfaces
C Prakash, G Krolczyk, S Singh, A Pramanik
Select Proceedings of ICFMMP, 2019
Magneto-Rheological Fluid Assisted Abrasive Nanofinishing of β-Phase Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr Alloy: Parametric Appraisal and Corrosion Analysis
AB Sunpreet Singh, Chander Prakash, Alokesh Pramanik, Animesh Basak ...
Materials 13 (22), 5156, 2020
Modification of electrical and mechanical properties of selective laser‐melted CuCr0. 3 alloy using carbon nanoparticles
SD Jadhav, S Dadbakhsh, R Chen, R Shabadi, JP Kruth, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (2), 1900946, 2020
Friction stir processed Al–TiO2 surface composites: Anodising behaviour and optical appearance
VC Gudla, F Jensen, A Simar, R Shabadi, R Ambat
Applied Surface Science 324, 554-562, 2015
Thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler high-entropy Ti2NiCoSn1-xSb1+ x (x= 0.5, 1) alloys with VEC> 18
A Karati, VS Hariharan, S Ghosh, A Prasad, M Nagini, K Guruvidyathri, ...
Scripta Materialia 186, 375-380, 2020
Effect of fluoride coatings on the corrosion behavior of Mg–Zn–Er alloys
DB Panemangalore, R Shabadi, M Gupta, G Ji
Surfaces and Interfaces 14, 72-81, 2019
The dynamic compressive response of a high-strength magnesium alloy and its nanocomposite
Y Chen, S Tekumalla, YB Guo, R Shabadi, VPW Shim, M Gupta
Materials Science and Engineering: A 702, 65-72, 2017
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