Andrew Ivsins
Andrew Ivsins
Assistant Professor, UBC Department of Medicine | Research Scientist, BC Centre on Substance Use
Верификована је имејл адреса на bccsu.ubc.ca
Tackling the overdose crisis: the role of safe supply
A Ivsins, J Boyd, L Beletsky, R McNeil
International Journal of Drug Policy 80, 102769, 2020
A'standard joint'? The role of quantity in predicting cannabis-related problems
C Zeisser, K Thompson, T Stockwell, C Duff, C Chow, K Vallance, A Ivsins, ...
Addiction Research & Theory 20 (1), 82-92, 2012
Implementation of safe supply alternatives during intersecting COVID-19 and overdose health emergencies in British Columbia, Canada, 2021
R McNeil, T Fleming, S Mayer, A Barker, M Mansoor, A Betsos, T Austin, ...
American Journal of Public Health 112 (S2), S151-S158, 2022
“It’s Helped Me a Lot, Just Like to Stay Alive”: a Qualitative Analysis of Outcomes of a Novel Hydromorphone Tablet Distribution Program in Vancouver, Canada
A Ivsins, J Boyd, S Mayer, A Collins, C Sutherland, T Kerr, R McNeil
Journal of Urban Health 98 (1), 59-69, 2021
Stimulant safe supply: a potential opportunity to respond to the overdose epidemic
T Fleming, A Barker, A Ivsins, S Vakharia, R McNeil
Harm Reduction Journal 17 (1), 6, 2020
Community managed alcohol programs in Canada: Overview of key dimensions and implementation
B Pauly, K Vallance, A Wettlaufer, C Chow, R Brown, J Evans, E Gray, ...
Drug and alcohol review 37, S132-S139, 2018
Barriers and facilitators to a novel low-barrier hydromorphone distribution program in Vancouver, Canada: a qualitative study
A Ivsins, J Boyd, S Mayer, A Collins, C Sutherland, T Kerr, R McNeil
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 216, 108202, 2020
Uptake, benefits of and barriers to safer crack use kit (SCUK) distribution programmes in Victoria, Canada—A qualitative exploration
A Ivsins, E Roth, N Nakamura, M Krajden, B Fischer
International Journal of Drug Policy 22 (4), 292-300, 2011
Toking and driving: Characteristics of Canadian university students who drive after cannabis use-an exploratory pilot study
B Fischer, J Rodopoulos, J Rehm, A Ivsins
Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy 13 (2), 179-187, 2006
“There is a Place”: impacts of managed alcohol programs for people experiencing severe alcohol dependence and homelessness
B Pauly, M Brown, J Evans, E Gray, R Schiff, A Ivsins, B Krysowaty, ...
Harm Reduction Journal 16, 1-14, 2019
A Low-Barrier and Comprehensive Community-Based Harm-Reduction Site in Vancouver, Canada
M Olding, A Ivsins, S Mayer, A Betsos, J Boyd, C Sutherland, ...
American Journal of Public Health 110 (6), 833-835, 2020
A scoping review of qualitative research on barriers and facilitators to the use of supervised consumption services
A Ivsins, A Warnock, W Small, C Strike, T Kerr, G Bardwell
International Journal of Drug Policy 111, 103910, 2023
The practice and embodiment of “goofballs”: A qualitative study exploring the co-injection of methamphetamines and opioids
A Ivsins, T Fleming, A Barker, M Mansoor, K Thakarar, K Sue, R McNeil
International Journal of Drug Policy 107, 103791, 2022
Factors associated with high-frequency cannabis use and driving among a multi-site sample of university students in Ontario
B Fischer, A Ivsins, J Rehm, C Webster, K Rudzinski, J Rodopoulos, ...
Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice 56 (2), 185-200, 2014
Sexual identity and drug use harm among high-risk, active substance users
C Chow, K Vallance, T Stockwell, S Macdonald, G Martin, A Ivsins, ...
Culture, health & sexuality 15 (3), 311-326, 2013
Overdose Prevention and Housing: a Qualitative Study Examining Drug Use, Overdose Risk, and Access to Safer Supply in Permanent Supportive Housing in Vancouver, Canada
A Ivsins, L MacKinnon, JM Bowles, A Slaunwhite, G Bardwell
Journal of Urban Health 99 (5), 855-864, 2022
Social, health and drug use characteristics of primary crack users in three mid-sized communities in British Columbia, Canada
B Fischer, K Rudzinski, A Ivsins, O Gallupe, J Patra, M Krajden
Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy 17 (4), 333-353, 2010
On the outside looking in: Finding a place for managed alcohol programs in the harm reduction movement
A Ivsins, B Pauly, M Brown, J Evans, E Gray, R Schiff, B Krysowaty, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 67, 58-62, 2019
Animal house: University risk environments and the regulation of students’ alcohol use
B Wilkinson, A Ivsins
International Journal of Drug Policy 47, 18-25, 2017
Examining factors that shape use and access to diverted prescription opioids during an overdose crisis: A qualitative study in Vancouver, Canada
G Bardwell, A Ivsins, ME Socías, T Kerr
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 130, 108418, 2021
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