Andrea Bikfalvi
Andrea Bikfalvi
Research and teaching staff, University of Girona
Верификована је имејл адреса на udg.edu
Organizational innovation: The challenge of measuring non-technical innovation in large-scale surveys
H Armbruster, A Bikfalvi, S Kinkel, G Lay
technovation 28 (10), 644-657, 2008
Strategic agility-driven business model renewal: the case of an SME
A Arbussa, A Bikfalvi, P Marquès
Management Decision 55 (2), 271-293, 2017
Pandemic-accelerated digital transformation of a born digital higher education institution
A Rof, A Bikfalvi, P Marques
Educational Technology & Society 25 (1), 124-141, 2022
Digital transformation for business model innovation in higher education: Overcoming the tensions
A Rof, A Bikfalvi, P Marquès
Sustainability 12 (12), 4980, 2020
Servitization and networking: large-scale survey findings on product-related services
A Bikfalvi, G Lay, S Maloca, BR Waser
Service Business 7, 61-82, 2013
Exploring the impact of energy efficiency technologies on manufacturing firm performance
M Pons, A Bikfalvi, J Llach, I Palcic
Journal of Cleaner production 52, 134-144, 2013
Competence assessment in higher education: A dynamic approach
F Achcaoucaou, L Guitart‐Tarrés, P Miravitlles‐Matamoros, ...
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 24 (4 …, 2014
Incentives for plastic recycling: How to engage citizens in active collection. Empirical evidence from Spain
D Gibovic, A Bikfalvi
Recycling 6 (2), 29, 2021
Service quality in the sharing economy: A review and research agenda
A Akhmedova, A Manresa, D Escobar Rivera, A Bikfalvi
International Journal of Consumer Studies 45 (4), 889-910, 2021
La I+ D en las pymes: Intensidad y estrategia
A Arbussá, A Bikfalvi, J Valls
Universia business review, 40-49, 2004
The impact of training and development practices on innovation and financial performance
A Manresa, A Bikfalvi, A Simon
Industrial and Commercial Training 51 (7/8), 421-444, 2019
Smart city as a hub for talent and innovative companies: Exploring the (dis) advantages of digital technology implementation in cities
F Marchesani, F Masciarelli, A Bikfalvi
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 193, 122636, 2023
Exploring value differences across family firms: The influence of choosing and managing complexity
A Simon, P Marquès, A Bikfalvi, MD Muñoz
Journal of Family Business Strategy 3 (3), 132-146, 2012
The innovativeness of family firms through the economic cycle
J Llach, P Marquès, A Bikfalvi, A Simon, S Kraus
Journal of Family Business Management 2 (2), 96-109, 2012
Complementing education with competence development: an ICT-based application
A Bikfalvi, JL Pages, J Kantola, P Marques Gou, NM Fernandez
International Journal of Management in Education 1 (3), 231-250, 2007
The incidence and diffusion of teamwork in manufacturing–evidences from a Pan-European survey
A Bikfalvi, A Jäger, G Lay
Journal of Organizational Change Management 27 (2), 206-231, 2014
The interplay between product innovation and servitization: the mediating role of digitalization
M Vilkas, A Bikfalvi, R Rauleckas, G Marcinkevicius
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 37 (11), 2169-2184, 2022
The new BMW: business model innovation transforms an automotive leader
PK Kukkamalla, A Bikfalvi, A Arbussa
Journal of Business Strategy 42 (4), 268-277, 2020
Performance effects of green production capability and technology in manufacturing firms
J Serrano-García, J Llach, A Bikfalvi, JJ Arbeláez-Toro
Journal of Environmental Management 330, 117099, 2023
On intellectual property in online open innovation for SME by means of blockchain and smart contracts
JL de la Rosa, D Gibovic, V Torres, L Maicher, F Miralles, A El-Fakdi, ...
3rd Annual World Open Innovation Conf. WOIC, 2016
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