Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Bhanu SinhaСазнајте више
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Staphylococcus aureus host cell invasion and post-invasion events
B Sinha, M Fraunholz
International Journal of Medical Microbiology 300 (2-3), 170-175, 2010
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Fibronectin binding proteins contribute to the adherence of Staphylococcus aureus to intact endothelium in vivo
S Kerdudou, MW Laschke, B Sinha, KT Preissner, MD Menger, ...
Thrombosis and haemostasis 96 (08), 183-189, 2006
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Delay in the administration of appropriate antimicrobial therapy in Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection: a prospective multicenter hospital-based cohort …
AJ Kaasch, S Rieg, J Kuetscher, HR Brodt, T Widmann, M Herrmann, ...
Infection 41, 979-985, 2013
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
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Diagnosis of bloodstream infections from positive blood cultures and directly from blood samples: recent developments in molecular approaches
N Peker, N Couto, B Sinha, JW Rossen
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 24 (9), 944-955, 2018
Овлашћења: European Commission
Improving the Diagnostic Performance of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron-Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Prosthetic Heart Valve Endocarditis
LE Swart, A Gomes, AM Scholtens, B Sinha, W Tanis, MGEH Lam, ...
Circulation 138 (14), 1412-1427, 2018
Овлашћења: Dutch Heart Foundation
Cytoplasmic replication of Staphylococcus aureus upon phagosomal escape triggered by phenol‐soluble modulin α
M Grosz, J Kolter, K Paprotka, AC Winkler, D Schäfer, SS Chatterjee, ...
Cellular Microbiology 16 (4), 451-465, 2014
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation
Expression of δ‐toxin by Staphylococcus aureus mediates escape from phago‐endosomes of human epithelial and endothelial cells in the presence of β‐toxin
B Giese, F Glowinski, K Paprotka, S Dittmann, T Steiner, B Sinha, ...
Cellular microbiology 13 (2), 316-329, 2011
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Staphylococcus aureus Fibronectin Binding Protein-A Induces Motile Attachment Sites and Complex Actin Remodeling in Living Endothelial Cells
A Schröder, B Schröder, B Roppenser, S Linder, B Sinha, R Fässler, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 17 (12), 5198-5210, 2006
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Caspase‐2 is an initiator caspase responsible for pore‐forming toxin‐mediated apoptosis
G Imre, J Heering, AN Takeda, M Husmann, B Thiede, DM Zu Heringdorf, ...
The EMBO journal 31 (11), 2615-2628, 2012
Овлашћења: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation
Machine learning in infection management using routine electronic health records: tools, techniques, and reporting of future technologies
CF Luz, M Vollmer, J Decruyenaere, MW Nijsten, C Glasner, B Sinha
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 26 (10), 1291-1299, 2020
Овлашћења: European Commission
Ultra-large von Willebrand Factor fibers mediate luminal Staphylococcus aureus adhesion to an intact endothelial cell layer under shear stress
KI Pappelbaum, C Gorzelanny, S Grässle, J Suckau, MW Laschke, ...
Circulation, CIRCULATIONAHA. 113.002008, 2013
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
eap Gene as Novel Target for Specific Identification of Staphylococcus aureus
M Hussain, C von Eiff, B Sinha, I Joost, M Herrmann, G Peters, K Becker
Journal of clinical microbiology 46 (2), 470-476, 2008
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
A comparison of three different bioinformatics analyses of the 16S–23S rRNA encoding region for bacterial identification
N Peker, S Garcia-Croes, B Dijkhuizen, HH Wiersma, E van Zanten, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 620, 2019
Овлашћења: European Commission
High-resolution transcriptomic analysis of the adaptive response of Staphylococcus aureus during acute and chronic phases of osteomyelitis
AK Szafranska, APA Oxley, D Chaves-Moreno, SA Horst, S Roßlenbroich, ...
MBio 5 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 01775-14, 2014
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
More than One Tandem Repeat Domain of the Extracellular Adherence Protein of Staphylococcus aureus Is Required for Aggregation, Adherence, and Host Cell …
M Hussain, A Haggar, G Peters, GS Chhatwal, M Herrmann, JI Flock, ...
Infection and immunity 76 (12), 5615-5623, 2008
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Phagolysosomal Integrity Is Generally Maintained after Staphylococcus aureus Invasion of Nonprofessional Phagocytes but Is Modulated by Strain 6850
TT Lâm, B Giese, D Chikkaballi, A Kühn, W Wolber, J Pané-Farré, ...
Infection and immunity 78 (8), 3392-3403, 2010
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
AMR: an R package for working with antimicrobial resistance data
MS Berends, CF Luz, AW Friedrich, BNM Sinha, CJ Albers, C Glasner
Journal of Statistical Software 104, 1-31, 2022
Овлашћења: European Commission
A Point Mutation in the Sensor Histidine Kinase SaeS of Staphylococcus aureus Strain Newman Alters the Response to Biocide Exposure
D Schäfer, TT Lâm, T Geiger, M Mainiero, S Engelmann, M Hussain, ...
Journal of bacteriology 191 (23), 7306-7314, 2009
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
Staphylococcal alpha-toxin is not sufficient to mediate escape from phagolysosomes in upper-airway epithelial cells
B Giese, S Dittmann, K Paprotka, K Levin, A Weltrowski, D Biehler, ...
Infection and immunity 77 (9), 3611-3625, 2009
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
The anchorless adhesin Eap (extracellular adherence protein) from Staphylococcus aureus selectively recognizes extracellular matrix aggregates but binds promiscuously to …
U Hansen, M Hussain, D Villone, M Herrmann, H Robenek, G Peters, ...
Matrix biology 25 (4), 252-260, 2006
Овлашћења: German Research Foundation
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