Luigi Lombardo
Luigi Lombardo
Associate Professor, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente
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Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis
P Borrelli, C Alewell, P Alvarez, JAA Anache, J Baartman, C Ballabio, ...
Science of the total environment 780, 146494, 2021
Presenting logistic regression-based landslide susceptibility results
L Lombardo, PM Mai
Engineering geology 244, 14-24, 2018
GIS-based groundwater potential mapping in Shahroud plain, Iran. A comparison among statistical (bivariate and multivariate), data mining and MCDM approaches
A Arabameri, K Rezaei, A Cerda, L Lombardo, J Rodrigo-Comino
Science of the total environment 658, 160-177, 2019
Binary logistic regression versus stochastic gradient boosted decision trees in assessing landslide susceptibility for multiple-occurring landslide events: application to the …
L Lombardo, M Cama, C Conoscenti, M Märker, E Rotigliano
Natural Hazards 79, 1621-1648, 2015
Spatio-temporal topsoil organic carbon mapping of a semi-arid Mediterranean region: The role of land use, soil texture, topographic indices and the influence of remote sensing …
C Schillaci, M Acutis, L Lombardo, A Lipani, M Fantappie, M Märker, ...
Science of the total environment 601, 821-832, 2017
Space-time landslide predictive modelling
L Lombardo, T Opitz, F Ardizzone, F Guzzetti, R Huser
Earth-science reviews 209, 103318, 2020
Comparison of machine learning models for gully erosion susceptibility mapping
A Arabameri, W Chen, M Loche, X Zhao, Y Li, L Lombardo, A Cerda, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (5), 1609-1620, 2020
Handling high predictor dimensionality in slope-unit-based landslide susceptibility models through LASSO-penalized Generalized Linear Model
DC Camilo, L Lombardo, PM Mai, J Dou, R Huser
Environmental Modelling & Software 97, 145-156, 2017
Exploring the effect of absence selection on landslide susceptibility models: a case study in Sicily, Italy
C Conoscenti, E Rotigliano, M Cama, NA Caraballo-Arias, L Lombardo, ...
Geomorphology 261, 222-235, 2016
Soil erosion modelling: A bibliometric analysis
N Bezak, M Mikoš, P Borrelli, C Alewell, P Alvarez, JAA Anache, ...
Environmental research 197, 111087, 2021
Spatial modelling of gully erosion using evidential belief function, logistic regression, and a new ensemble of evidential belief function–logistic regression algorithm
A Arabameri, B Pradhan, K Rezaei, M Yamani, HR Pourghasemi, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (11), 4035-4049, 2018
Integration of two-phase solid fluid equations in a catchment model for flashfloods, debris flows and shallow slope failures
B Bout, L Lombardo, CJ van Westen, VG Jetten
Environmental Modelling & Software 105, 1-16, 2018
Exploring relationships between grid cell size and accuracy for debris-flow susceptibility models: a test in the Giampilieri catchment (Sicily, Italy)
M Cama, C Conoscenti, L Lombardo, E Rotigliano
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-21, 2016
Point process-based modeling of multiple debris flow landslides using INLA: an application to the 2009 Messina disaster
L Lombardo, T Opitz, R Huser
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 32, 2179-2198, 2018
Comparative assessment using boosted regression trees, binary logistic regression, frequency ratio and numerical risk factor for gully erosion susceptibility modelling
A Arabameri, B Pradhan, L Lombardo
Catena 183, 104223, 2019
PMT: New analytical framework for automated evaluation of geo-environmental modelling approaches
O Rahmati, A Kornejady, M Samadi, RC Deo, C Conoscenti, L Lombardo, ...
Science of the total environment 664, 296-311, 2019
Improving transferability strategies for debris flow susceptibility assessment: Application to the Saponara and Itala catchments (Messina, Italy)
M Cama, L Lombardo, C Conoscenti, E Rotigliano
Geomorphology 288, 52-65, 2017
Spatial modeling of multi-hazard threat to cultural heritage sites
L Lombardo, H Tanyas, IC Nicu
Engineering Geology 277, 105776, 2020
A test of transferability for landslides susceptibility models under extreme climatic events: application to the Messina 2009 disaster
L Lombardo, M Cama, M Maerker, E Rotigliano
Natural hazards 74, 1951-1989, 2014
Landslide susceptibility maps of Italy: Lesson learnt from dealing with multiple landslide types and the uneven spatial distribution of the national inventory
M Loche, M Alvioli, I Marchesini, H Bakka, L Lombardo
Earth-Science Reviews 232, 104125, 2022
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