Lourdes Soriano Martínez
Lourdes Soriano Martínez
Друга имена0000-0002-5749-4609
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Alkaline activation of ceramic waste materials
L Reig, MM Tashima, L Soriano, MV Borrachero, J Monzó, J Payá
Waste and Biomass Valorization 4, 729-736, 2013
Use of slag/sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) blends in the production of alkali-activated materials
VN Castaldelli, JL Akasaki, JLP Melges, MM Tashima, L Soriano, ...
Materials 6 (8), 3108-3127, 2013
Influence of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) on alkaline activation of red clay brick waste (RCBW)
L Reig, L Soriano, MV Borrachero, J Monzó, J Payá
Cement and Concrete Composites 65, 177-185, 2016
Influence of the activator concentration and calcium hydroxide addition on the properties of alkali-activated porcelain stoneware
L Reig, L Soriano, MV Borrachero, J Monzó, J Payá
Construction and Building Materials 63, 214-222, 2014
Increase of the reactivity of densified silica fume by sonication treatment
ED Rodríguez, L Soriano, J Payá, MV Borrachero, JM Monzó
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 19 (5), 1099-1107, 2012
Compressive strength and microstructure of alkali-activated blast furnace slag/sewage sludge ash (GGBS/SSA) blends cured at room temperature
MM Tashima, L Reig, MA Santini, JC B Moraes, JL Akasaki, J Payá, ...
Waste and Biomass Valorization 8, 1441-1451, 2017
Evaluation of rice straw ash as a pozzolanic addition in cementitious mixtures
S Hidalgo, L Soriano, J Monzó, J Payá, A Font, MV Borrachero
Applied Sciences 11 (2), 773, 2021
Potential use of ceramic sanitary ware waste as pozzolanic material
L Reig, L Soriano, MV Borrachero, JM Monzó, J Payá
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 61 (6), 611-621, 2022
Immobilization of Zn (II) in Portland cement pastes: Determination of microstructure and leaching performance
A Mellado, MV Borrachero, L Soriano, J Paya, J Monzo
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 112, 1377-1389, 2013
Valorisation of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) with high quartz content as pozzolanic material in Portland cement mixtures
AM Pereira, JCB Moraes, MJB Moraes, JL Akasaki, MM Tashima, ...
Materiales de Construccion 68 (330), e153-e153, 2018
Almond-shell biomass ash (ABA): a greener alternative to the use of commercial alkaline reagents in alkali-activated cement
L Soriano Martinez, A Font, MM Tashima, JM Monzó Balbuena, ...
Construction and Building Materials 290, 1-14, 2021
Preliminary studies on the use of sugar cane bagasse ash (SCBA) in the manufacture of alkali activated binders
VN Castaldelli, MM Tashima, JLP Melges, JL Akasaki, JM Monzó, ...
Key Engineering Materials 600, 689-698, 2014
Nuevas aportaciones en el desarrollo de materiales cementantes con residuo de catalizador de craqueo catalítico usado (FCC)
LS Martínez, PD Dña
Universidad politecnica de Valencia, 2007
Reusing construction and demolition waste to prepare alkali-activated cement
MV Borrachero, J Payá, S Brito, YP Segura, L Soriano, MM Tashima, ...
Materials 15 (10), 3437, 2022
Degradation process of postconsumer waste bottle fibers used in Portland cement–based composites
ME Fernández, J Payá, MV Borrachero, L Soriano, A Mellado, J Monzó
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (10), 04017183, 2017
An Approach to a New Supplementary Cementing Material: Arundo donax Straw Ash
J Payá, J Roselló, JM Monzó, A Escalera, MP Santamarina, ...
Sustainability 10 (11), 4273, 2018
Lung cavitation due to Mycobacterium xenopi in a renal transplant recipient
L Martín‐Penagos, E Rodrigo, JC Ruiz, J Agüero, ...
Transplant Infectious Disease 11 (3), 249-252, 2009
Optimum use of sugar cane straw ash in alkali-activated binders based on blast furnace slag
JCB de Moraes, MM Tashima, JLP Melges, JL Akasaki, J Monzó, ...
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (6), 04018084, 2018
Microscopic chemical characterization and reactivity in cementing systems of elephant grass leaf ashes
J Roselló, L Soriano, H Savastano Jr, MV Borrachero, P Santamarina, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 24 (6), 593-603, 2018
Spent FCC catalyst for improving early strength Portland cement
MV Borrachero Rosado, JM Monzó Balbuena, JJ Paya Bernabeu, ...
Materials Journal 111 (1), 59-66, 2014
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